Pool After Winter Damage

by Nancy
(Lisbon, OH USA)

I have a 24 by 54 above ground pool. 5 years old, after taking the cover off, I notice one of the uprights is sitting higher then the rest, after checking the uprights 3 of them are no longer attached to the bottom plate. They look like they snapped off, they are resin. We put a stake in front of each upright. everything else is fine. Can we use it????

Hi Nancy

The uprights should be held in place in some fashion. The pool should be safe but I would secure the the uprights.

I have used L brackets to attach uprights to footplates many times with no problems. Attach the L bracket to the footplate and the upright to the bracket.

The stakes behind the uprights are a good idea. If they are in the ground far enough and secure enough you could even attach the upright to them.

Securing the uprights at the bottom will prevent the top rails from rising and causing other problems, so I would do it in some way. How you do it is not all that important.

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Jun 07, 2015
The uprights are resin
by: Nancy

The uprights are resin as well as the plates, can those be secured with a L bracket? Also what would have caused this, different people said they never seen this happen to snap off the plate.


It does happen, the cold makes resin brittle and the ground moving with freezing and thawing cause enough stress to snap some parts. L brackets should work just fine.

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