Pool Is Sinking

I have a 15' x 30' oval all aluminum pool which was professionally installed four years ago. The pool has an integrated 7' deck and a 1' walk platform around the entire perimeter of the pool.

I live in New England and this winter has been pretty brutal. We just had a lot of rain and I noticed that the pool has sunk at the end where the deck is attached.

The deck has not sunk, but is being bent down by the sinking pool. I'm hoping that come spring this condition will improve by the ground thawing, but if not, would I be able to re-level the deck without draining the pool? Of course I hope the sinking of the pool itself was consistent end to end. Otherwise I could have a bigger problem.


The best solution will be if you simply have to re-level the deck, that would be the easiest. Frozen ground usually causes an upward push on the walls and has been the cause of a lot of wrinkled and creased sidewalls this winter. So for your pool to be sinking and not raising could be a more serious issue. Or is it possible the frozen ground raised the deck and the pool is just fine?

You will need to keep a close eye on the structure of the pool to make sure it is safe at all times. By safe I mean still within a reasonable amount of level from end to end. The distance from the top rail to the water level should be close to the same all the way around.

The pool can easily be raised at one end, or the deck lowered. The deck could also be bent back into shape easily. The repairs are all fairly easy, it's just a matter of waiting until things thaw enough to see just what needs to be done.

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Ground Solid For New Pool

by Linda
(Burgaw nc USA )

I have a question. My 24 foot round pool collapsed last summer. I have now bought a 27 foot round pool. The 24 foot round pad that held the old pool is packed and hard, only has a few cracks and lumps. A person that is going to help me set up my new pool thinks we should just dig the difference between the two and level the new, then put sand on the entire pad. I am thinking this, that the difference of the new that will be dug will settle lower than the previous pad that's been down for over 10 years and become a major problem. I don't know.

So my question is, is this person right and we can just make the pad 3 feet bigger or should we plow up the entire pad and start from scratch? It may be ok his way but I'm worried it will settle later. He wants to build a wooden platform then dig and fill only the difference of the bigger pool. Hope you understand what I mean. Thank you so much for any help you give.

Hi Linda

I think your friend has a good plan. Your extra area for the new pool just needs to be packed well. A new layer of sand over the entire area is also a good plan.

I would just recommend the use of blocks under all the uprights of the new pool, this should prevent any settling.

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Above Ground Pools On Blocks

by Kathy

I bought an above ground 24ft round Allegro pool used. It has a plastic bottom track. I had the ground leveled by a professional and I dug out the holes and leveled them for the block for the posts.

It rained probably 6-8 inches the next 4 days and about 3-4 inches of water sat in the hole where the pool was to be put. The rain ruined the grade of the land and covered the blocks.

The grading guy told me to build the block up and also place a brick in between each block for support. None or the blocks are flush with the ground nor are the brick. I did level everything again. I now have 17 block and 17 brick supporting the track of my pool with about a inch between the ground and the track. Is this okay?? I am so upset I just want to sell the pool at this point!! Please help!!!

Hi Kathy

I hate to say it but this is not OK. You either need to lower the blocks and the bricks or you need to build up the area in between them. Either way, the bottom rail has to sit on firm level ground. Anything else is asking for major problems.

The only other option is to build the entire area up with bricks or blocks, I have seen this done with great success. This gives the rail solid support that will not wash out.

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Best Base

by Larry Weaver
(North fort Myers, Fl.)

Good Afternoon, I am getting ready to install an 18' x 52" round AGP. My question Is about the base? My ground is mostly sand.(South Florida) I will be using a foam pool cove, and foam on the side walls.

To keep down on the foot marks, and comfort, which is the best base? Sand, Foam sheets, Gorilla Pad, Foam pad, or a combination of these. Because of our heavy rains, I am building a deck on one side & putting in a mulch/bark border around the rest. Your help would be appreciated. Thank You

Hi Larry

It sounds like you are doing everything right, the wall foam and pool cove. What I would not use under a liner are the pads, unless they are used as a vegetation barrier under the base sand. I seldom do this, but yards with heavy grass growth and lots of other vegetation it makes sense to.

That leaves sand or 4 x 8 foam sheets. Done correctly either one will work out fine. Most of my install were done on sand, but the ones I did with a foam base turned out great also.

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Expansive Soil

by Jose
(San Antonio TX)

I recently requested my homeowners association permission to place a 24 ft round above ground pool in my back yard. They denied me because they stated that my soil was highly expansive in character with a potential vertical movement in the order of 5 1/2 in to 6 1/4in was estimated.

I just want to know if there is anything that I can do to gather some information to prove to them that the pool would be fine. Thank you for your assistance.

Hi Jose

I have never heard of anything like that, ever. It sounds to me like an excuse for the HOA to keep above ground pools out of the development. Another good excuse I've heard before is no structures that are higher than the yard fence, meaning the pool ladder is not allowed. The pool is fine but the ladder is not.

I would check with all the local pool stores and see if they know anything about this. You might possibly be able to find homes in nearby neighborhoods that have above ground pools.

The nearest University should have an agriculture department that might have a lot of information about your local soil conditions. If what they say is possible the Ag department should know about it.

Maybe by posting this page another Texan could comment on their experience with soil expansion in the San Antonio area.

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