Pool Complete - Thanks

by Eileen Adcock

Ground Before Above Ground Pool

Ground Before Above Ground Pool

I'd just like to thank you for all the help. I'm sending pics of completion. Well almost, still working on the deck.

But we got the liner too big, lots of creases. I'm wandering, you guys say if pool is emptied that the liner will shrink. If next year when I go to open my pool, if I let water out if that would shrink it to fit better with out changing liner.

Thank you, Eileen

Hi Eileen

Thanks so much for the photos, looks great. Glad we were of some help.

Draining the pool will shrink the liner and might help your problem but I would not recommend doing it. You would be risking the chance of the walls caving in. It may take several years for the dirt around the outside of your pool to pack firm enough to allow you to drain it. I would hold off, keep the pool full, and enjoy what you have for a few years.

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Aug 31, 2010
Thanks again
by: Eileen

Thank you again, we are definitely enjoying it.

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