by Tony
(Millbury, MA)
What is the best type of cover to use on an above ground pool? Solid or mesh?
I have a 33' round above ground pool.
Thanks, Tony
Hi Tony
I prefer a heavy duty solid cover. The best ones have a cable that wraps around the outside of the pool. You tighten it with a wench and padlock into place for safety. A good cover should easily hold the weight of children and pets. I would use an inflatable object in the center to keep the cover high enough the rain water flows off the cover and out of the pool.
Pages related to Pool Covers
by Paul J Bechard
(Bridgton, Maine, USA)
My pool cover on an above ground pool has sunk into the pool. How do I remove it, and assure the leafs, and other contaminants, over the winter, do not fall into the pool water that is below the tarp?
Is it as simple as draining the water that is on top? If I do this doesn't this drain the water below the tarp? The tarp is brand new and no tears?
Hi Paul
They sell small electrical pumps that are designed to remove water from the tops of above ground pool covers. This would be my suggestion. The other solution would be to pull the cover out of the pool and let the debris fall into the pool. This would surely make a mess to clean up.
by Sherry
I have a 30 ft. round above ground. I have had problems with covers not overlapping enough during winter (water and snow accumulation even with pumping). I am considering getting the Armorkote Premium Tech 20yr winter cover by Yardguard. (unless you have other recommendations) It comes with 4 ft overlap. Should I get the standard 30 ft. size for my pool (34' w/overlap) or would going up to 33 ft. be o.k.?
I am wondering if the extra overlap will be helpful or if too much is just as bad as not enough.
Any info/advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, S
Hi Sherry
The Yardguard cover sounds fine, it sure has a nice warranty. It seems like it comes with all the overhang you would ever need, I would not go one size larger, that just might cause problems.
by Ralph
(Erie, PA)
Winter Pool Cover
We've had a freeze/thaw winter so far and after several inches of snow just the other day it is now raining again. I've had our 21' round for seven years and winterize it successfully each year.
I am concerned that the snow and rain cycle we have seen is putting too much weight on the cover. Is there a point where it would make more sense to release the turnbuckle and let the cover loose rather than take the chance of damage due to the weight?
Hi Ralph
I think I would have to agree with you, letting the cover go makes more sense than letting it get ruined or letting it ruin the pool.
If it seems to be to the point of doing either I would let it go into the pool. Extra pool clean up in the spring is better than pool damage or having to buy a new cover.
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