Pool Filled and Out of Level

by Alan
(Brunswick , Ohio)

I put in a 9 year old 18' x 33' oval pool. After filling it with water and putting over $600.00 in chemicals we noticed the one corner is about 2-3 inches lower than the rest of the pool.

Can I raise the corner with water in it? I do not want to drain it due to the fact all the money put in it to make the water clean and clear. Any suggestions?

Hi Alan

There is no way to raise a pool with water in it. Any attempts to do so would disturb the cove and put too much strain on the liner. The pool water level needs to be lowered to just a couple of inches before any leveling can be done. This page explains the process.

Pool Out of Level

The danger level of leaving the pool out of level depends on several different factors. If the pool is in-ground or partially in-ground you do not have anything to worry about. If you can pile dirt around the pool, on the low side, to offer structural support, you would probably be all right.

Quality above ground pools are structurally better equipped to being out of level than some of the cheaper models. You would need to closely examine the pool and see if any of the major components are being stressed. You could look to make sure all the wall is in the bottom track, as sometimes leveling issues cause the wall to come out. Under the top rail the rods should all be in place over the coping. Have any of the screw holes in the top rails ripped loose. Too much pressure in certain areas can cause the top rails to break loose from the top plates, this is not good.

After a close examination of the pool you should be able to determine if the pool is safe to use as is or if it needs drained and re-leveled.

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Jun 24, 2012
pool out of level....
by: Nina

I installed a 16' x 48" Intex Ultra frame above-ground pool and it's 1.5" off at the most. The top rail goes up and down, slightly, really slighly becuase of the ground being unlevel. So far it's been ok..no buckling or anything except that my eyes always go to that "lower" corner, lol! Should I take it down and relevel or just enjoy the pool the way it is..oh, by the way, tropical storm Debby is still at my doorstep, overfilling the pool and the lower end is overflowing. It hasn't shifted or anything, still the same dimensions as before. Should I be worried?

Hi Nina

It sounds to me like you are just fine. You may want to do some measuring from the top of the pool to the water level. Take notes, all around the pool.

The next time you set the pool up you will know what adjustments to make. But for this swimming season, I would just enjoy it.

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