by Ty
I have a 27 foot round 52 inch deep, probably 48 inches of water, and am wondering what model Jacuzzi laser filter I need. Is model 192 ok?
I hooked up all my hoses to my filter and when the filter is full, water runs out by the connection on filter where normally you do your backwash. I have tried filter positions rinse, winterized and drain and it leaks in all positions.
Hi Ty.
Your filter is plenty adequate for you pool. Be sure you give it enough run time each day. The hotter it gets the longer it needs to run. If your water ever turns cloudy or green, run the filter until the water is clear again.
The leaking is probably caused by a bad spider gasket in the head assembly. Changing it is very easy. Before you take the screws out make a mark on the side of the assembly so that you will know exactly how the top goes back on. Being off by one screw hole messes up the entire operation of the filter.
When the screws are out of the valve assembly, lift the top off. The rubber spider gasket can be taken out. Take this to the store with you and match it up with a new one. Get some aqua lube while you are at the store. Lubricate the gasket before inserting it into the valve. With the gasket in place realign the top and insert the screws. This should take care of your leak problem.
by Brenda
(Bloomington, IN)
I bought a used 24 ft AGP and it came with a Talgelus sand filter and 1 hp Hayward pump. After hooking everything up I discovered a crack in the plastic top valve (where you place the pressure gauge) it's about 1/4" long and starts at opening of where you place the pressure gauge and runs down to smooth part of top piece. I put a clamp on it which helped with the leaking, some, but fear it will break under pressure.
Any ideas? Should I buy a new top (85.00) and up or put a two part epoxy on it and will that hold it? Thanks
Hi Brenda.
If it were me, I would not buy the replacement valve assembly until I had to. Between the clamp you put on the outside and using plenty of pipe dope on the threads of the pressure gauge you should be fine for a while.
The clamp will hold the opening tight enough that the gauge should not blow out. The pipe dope should seal any leaks. It would probably be just fine like this for some time.
The culprit, leaks between the head and the dark grey ring.
Hello, we just set up a gently used intex 18x9 ultra pool following all of your suggestions, leveling, compacting, foam insulation board, etc. thank you for all of the great information.
I then set up and connected the deluxe cleaning kit floating skimmer, the canister filter, and the saltwater system...all Intex. After filling I noticed a drip coming from the lower plunger valve, not at the pool wall, but from the valve itself.
This was when the valve was in a closed position and the system was not turned on. I drained the pool partially so that I could remove the valve and figure a fix. So now, I was thinking of plumbers tape or something? But how will I know it is fixed before I fill it all up again? Might it have been fine if I opened the valve and run the system? How to fix and how to be sure it's fixed before I go through all of this again?
Thank you!
It might be just fine in the open position and it might just need a little plumbers tape. If there is an o-ring in there it may just need some lube. Or maybe there is supposed to be an o-ring and it is missing.
I would do what I felt ways right and then fill the pool to just above the opening. When I do repairs in the field I need to know instantly whether the repair worked or not. Draining and refilling for each try is not an option. I have learned every way possible of plugging the opening so that I can work on the problem. It may be adapters and some flex hose or a threaded plug. Sometimes it's just my helper holding a hand over the opening.
You should have no problem fixing the problem, but working with a full pool is much faster.
I have a 10 year old Doughboy sand filter and I can't get the leak to stop by the bolts.
The only way you are going to get it to stop leaking is if you open the tank and replace the o-ring. A Doughboy dealer should have the part on hand, if not he should be able to order one.
The only time this job gets difficult is if the bolts are rusted solid and will not come loose. In that case they need to be snapped off and replaced. A half inch drive ratchet on the top and a boxed end wrench on the bottom is usually enough leverage to break the bolts either loose or in half.
When the tank is open, dump the sand, and clean it up as best you can. When you pour the new sand into the tank you will want to mound it up in the center as high as you can without getting any sand in the o-ring groove. When the sand has been installed, make sure the groove and top ledge are clean, and then install the o-ring. It needs to lay into the groove all the way around. Once it is in place you can apply some aqua lube to the top of it. Now the top can be reinstalled. Most of these systems had a protrusion on the top half that fit into a hole on the bottom half, this is how you line it up.
When you reinstall the bolts, and tighten them up, the leak should be gone. If not, you need to check the alignment of the o-ring. They like to move sometimes and keeping them in place can be tricky on occasion.
by Mishon
Ok, well here I go with yet another question. We have FINALLY gotten everything corrected with our 24 ft above ground pool, (which we bought used).
We hooked our sand filter and pump up, (it is a Hayward power flo) but the top of the filter, where the handle is to turn it to backwash etc. seems to leak and the pump is leaking in spots also.
Our problem is, we do have another system we can use, it is a Doughboy Sequel 1 Plus (DE) along with the Pool Power Pak 1, is this an ok thing to switch out, since our above ground pool isn't a Doughboy?
And I myself am concerned as I have only dealt with sand filters in the past, and do not know ANYTHING about DE... any input would be appreciated! And thanks once again for your time!
Hi Mishon.
DE is actually a finer cleaning agent than sand and switching systems should not cause any problems. It makes no difference whether the pool is Doughboy or not.
With a DE filter you just need to clean the filter elements once a week or so and re-coat with DE. This is done instead of back flushing a sand filter.
The sand system could be fixed up by changing a few gaskets and possibly the hair and lint pot. The lint pot and the rotary valve assembly seem to be the places where filters have the most problems. Sometimes it is as simple as changing the o-ring in the lint pot cover and changing the spider gasket in the valve assembly.
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