by Lauren
(Penn Valley, CA)
We have an oval 16x40 Doughboy pool. Our filter is not a sand filter but takes "earth" after we have backwashed. We noticed this year that when we are vacuuming the pool that the return water to the pool is spitting out bugs etc. We also noticed when we backwashed the pool that the "earth" is also coming back into the pool. This has never happened before. We doubled check the connections and everything looks correct? What is happening and how do we fix it?
Hi Lauren
You have a DE filter, the finest filtering media available. I have one also and would not trade it for anything.
It sounds like you just need to pull the tank apart and replace some stuff. It's probably filter pads, over time they wear out and get holes in them. Once you replace then your problem is solved.
If that does not appear to be the problem then you are looking at an o-ring or gasket somewhere.
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