Pool Filter Problems

Sand Filter Not Building Pressure

I have a Hayward sand filter with 100 lbs of sand with new lateral and fingers replaced 3 weeks ago, changed the pressure gauge and is running steady at 12-13 psi. It has not gotten any higher than that for 3 weeks.

Any suggestions as to why or what would cause it?

Thanks for your help....


If the water flow back into the filter remains the same the pressure has not changed. If you flow has slowed down over the weeks then you are building pressure. You should backwash to increase your water flow. The pressure gauge tells you exactly the same thing as looking at your return flow. If the flow is strong the system is fine.

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Return Flow Angle

What angle should the return flow be set at for optimum cleaning?


I always set the angle so that the water hits the surface about three feet away from the return.

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Sand Filter

What kind of sand filter do I need for an 18 foot round above ground pool? It is 4 feet deep.


The same system can be used for an 18' and an 18' x 33'. The pool size does not really matter, you want the best filter system you can afford.

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by Charles
(Va Beach, Va.)

Should above ground pool filters run at all times and never be turned off?

Hi Charles.

The answer all depends on the HP of your pump. Smaller systems will do just fine with running 24/7 while larger ones may only need 10 to 12 hours a day. One thing that does not change, the hotter it is the more the filter needs to run.

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Bad Water When Vacuuming

(Lehigh Township, Pa)

I have a Hayward non sand pool filter. Every time I vacuum our pool, the bad stuff comes right back in through the jet. I have asked my husband can't we shut the jet off so it does not come back in and of course we can't but we do not see anything wrong.

We shock the pool every sat, add the tabs and put in a all natural water clarifier to pick up the small pieces. But vacuuming I hate because it just comes right back in and makes it cloudy after it was just clear. What could be the problem?


The problem is probably algae in the pool. Many types of algae will blow right through a filter. Since you have a non-sand filter it must be either DE or cartridge. It is very possible to have a bad cleaning element in either kind of system, maybe this should be checked.

When I use a cartridge system and clean the filter, vacuum the pool and then clean the filter again. Doing this might help.

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Leaking Hose

How do I lock the eye on the inner aspect so I can change the hose that connects the pump to the pool without losing water?


I do this the manual way, a helper holds their hand over the return jet while I change the hose.

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Return Hose keeps Popping Off

My return hose keeps popping off from the connection at the pool return. Should I be using a compression fitting to slide the hose over?


There are few possibilities you could try. Sometimes an extra clamp does the job, or a different clamp. Sometimes a different hose is needed while at other times a new fitting is required.

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