by Dianna
(Elizabeth, PA)
Above Ground Pool Pump Shuts Off
The pool filter system is full of water and when we turn on the system it turns off right away. We have been trying to get it to turn on for four days and cant think of any thing else to try. Do you have any ideas?
Hi Dianna.
The only thing I can think of is your electrical cord may be too small. If you are using an extension cord, try using a thicker, or shorter, one.
by Mrs. K
When beginning the filtration and cleaning process after the pool was filled, I found that my dear hubby installed the fittings (male return and eyeball strainer) incorrectly on our 16 foot Intex Ultra Frame above ground pool.
It seems to me that the male fitting should be installed where the suction and outflow occur, while the eyeball-looking fitting should go where clean water is returned to the pool from the filter. Can I remove and switch each fitting without having to drain the pool?
You sure can, you just need to work fast. Or better yet, have a helper cap the openings with his hands on the inside of the pool.
by Patty
I have just purchased a 15ftx3.5ft Intex Summer Escape above ground pool and am wondering if I can put a salt water pump on it. I am not sure if I can or not. I have searched several avenues and have not been able to find an answer. I do not want to buy it if I am not able to use it.
Thank you, pm
Hi Patty.
Yes, salt water systems work fine with Intex pools, in fact, Intex sells a few different models.
by Richard
(Clovis, CA)
I have just purchased a 13' x 39' Intex metal frame pool. The pool came with a 530 GPH pump. I decided to upgrade the pump to a 1500 GPH pump. The pool has the smaller 1.25? fitting sleeve that is built into the liner.
The new pump that I have purchased came with 1.5" fittings. The larger pump is meant to be installed through a 1.5" circular opening in the pool liner and not through a 1.25" sleeve as is with my current set up.
I already have the hose adapters on order, but my question is if it is worth cutting out the sleeves so that I am left with a 1.5" opening in the pool wall. Are there any recommendations on how I would cut these holes? Would I see any better performance from my pump with the larger fittings? Or should I save myself the trouble and just stick to the hose adapters?
Thanks for your help!
I would wait for the adapters.
by Brian Fargher
(Manchester, Mi.)
I have an Esther Williams 1800 above ground sand filter that developed a leak towards the upper neck in the seem.
Is there anyway to fix it? I have tried JB weld but has not worked. Any suggestions?
Hi Brian.
The only way I would know of to fix the filter would be a fiberglass repair kit applied to the inside of the tank. There may be easier ways, like JB Weld, but they would have to be used on the inside as opposed to the outside.
Using the tank off a good used system is an option also. A search on Ebay or Craigs List may come up with some replacement tank options.
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