Pool Installation and Nut Grass


We bought a 24 ft above ground pool about one month ago and paid $1000.00 to have the pool installed by the company. I now have 3 or 4 places with grass growing through the liner and we are losing water. The retailer told me to come get a patch kit!

My gut is telling me they need to replace the liner since I do not want to patch a new liner.

It is Nutgrass and I have read all about it now and know they did not do enough to prevent it from coming back.

If install was done correctly the surface should have been prepared by spraying vegetation killer and this was not done.

Should the installer be responsible for the repair and/or replacing the liner along with removing and spraying area?


Proper treatment would probably be to remove the liner, treat the ground, wait a week or two to make sure no grass is growing, and then installing a new liner.

I always treated for nut grass but sometimes my customers did not keep the grass away from the pool. When that happened the grass that came through the pool was always within a foot or so of the edge. I would come out and repair the liner at no charge, and I did it right, with glue and actual vinyl so you could not see the repair. I did this as long as the outside of the pool was treated and properly landscaped. This means keeping any vegetation at least three feet from the pool.

If grass was growing in the middle of the pool I would pull the liner, retreat, and install a new liner.

You might be able to work out a deal with them. You will patch the holes for another month or so, and there will be more, if they come out during the off season and install a new liner. This would allow you to use the pool with no downtime. It would also allow you to make sure the ground around the pool was treated and grass free. Just an idea, but yes, I think the pool store needs to be responsible, especially if no ground treatment was used.

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