Pool Installation Question

by Ashley

My husband is putting up our Aqua leader 24' above ground pool....ugh!!! The instructions tell us to use a firm, solid surface. He has prepared the site with red clay driveway base and is planning to use a preformed cove with no additional sand over the clay.

My fear is that the red clay will stain through the liner. He has now put a tarp over the red clay. Is it necessary to use the sand with the foam cove? Will his plan work or do you have any suggestions to save our pool and our marriage...haha!

Hi Ashley. Structurally he is not hurting the pool at all. You might experience some extra wear on the liner if there are any lumps or bumps in the bottom. Pool cleaners will tend to wear on any imperfections like that.

The hard clay may be a little hard on the feet also. I would use the pool foam that they sell at the same places you get the preformed cove. The foam adds just a little cushion under the liner and feels great on the feet. Indoor-outdoor carpet, carpet felt and 4 x 8 sheets of 1" Styrofoam all have a nice feel to them when you are inside the pool.

We install a lot of pools on concrete and always use something under them. It just makes for a more enjoyable swimming experience and probably extends the life of the liner.

Go easy on your husband, I am sure he is working his tail off. Enjoy the pool.

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Jun 24, 2009
Great Support!!
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much! He is working really hard to get the pool up and I do appreciate his effort! I will show him your post...Your quick response is greatly appreciated!!!

Oct 26, 2009
Installing Cushion on Pool Bottom
by: Rita

I have an above ground pool that I put up in 2009. I pour a concrete pad for my pool and didn't see the need for the extra expense of a cushion pad. Do concrete and vinyl lined pools have them? I have a nice smooth bottom. I don't have to worry about moles and gophers making a trail under my liner that makes most pool sweeps impossible to use. I don't have to worry about grass growing up to the liner and causing holes. My pool sweeper works wonderfully on the smooth bottom. Initial cost was more but in the long run I think I will save money, time and labor...

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