Pool Installation Support

Help Installing Your Above Ground Pool

Would you like some help installing your above ground pool? Some pool installation support?

above ground pool questions e-book
If you haven't already I recommend reading all of my above ground pool questions and answers.  I have made that real easy with this nifty five dollar e-book.  It's twenty seven pages full of good reading for anyone owning an above ground pool, or even thinking about owning one.  It is an e-book so you buy it, download it, and start learning immediately.

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If you are in Arizona I would be happy to come to your home and do the work for you, whether it's a liner change, complete above ground pool installation, a take down and move or a take down and haul away, it's no problem.  Use my Contact form and I will get with you on price and time. Check here for our Arizona installation prices.

We have been installing above ground pools in Arizona since the early 1970's so there is no pool, and no part of the valley, unknown to us.

Are you a do-it-yourselfer wanting to build your above ground pool yourself?  Over the years I have seen every possible pool disaster imaginable brought on by the best intentioned do-it-yourselfers.  I can help you avoid this with a good dose of pool installation support.

above ground pool deck
During the course of running a pool business I spent a lot of time on the phone with customers.  I developed a true knack for trouble shooting and fixing problems over the phone.  If a customer had a problem with their pool, and was unable to pay my service charge, I would spend as much phone time as needed to walk them through the problem.  If they had a screw driver in one hand and a phone in the other, I had the knowledge to walk them through just about anything.

It seems like every week I would have one or two do-it-yourselfers installing their own pools.  They were usually just trying to save some money, but that was OK with me, I had more pools to build than I ever knew what to do with.  I was glad to help out and not have to build it myself.  When these people found out how willing to help I was we would often have daily conversations as they progressed with their installations.  This type of consulting honed my skills at being able to close my eyes and envision exactly what it was my customer was describing.

During the last few years I have taken that skill and used it to help people all over the world build their above ground pools.  Through pool forums, the telephone, email and special personal visits I have helped install thousands of pools and helped many above ground pool owners avoid some very costly installation mistakes.

The service I am about to offer you could easily be the best thirty five dollars you ever spent, that is if you are about to install an above ground pool.

A one time fee gives you special access to an email address where you will receive top rate attention.  You will become my customer, and therefore, own a piece of me.  Access to my knowledge will be unlimited and I will answer every email you send me.  I will look at your photos and advise you on all aspects of you above ground pool installation.

This service can be started at anytime during your above ground pool buying and installing experience.  We can start before the purchase and discuss different pools, different locations and all the things you may need to consider doing before the pool arrives.

If you are in the middle of an installation and get stuck, we can start there.  Either way I stay with you until your whole family is swimming in the pool.

Here is how it works, pretty simple really.  You hit the Buy Now button and send thirty five dollars and your email address.  I get right back to you with my VIP email address and we can get started immediately with my pool installation support.

How much contact will we have?  You will soon learn I take a very personal interest in you and your pool.  Most days when I am home from building pools I am at my desk and check my email frequently.  If your situation is one that will be better served with a phone call, we'll do that also.  We'll do whatever it takes to get your pool built in a timely manner.  That's the way pool installation support works.



This is usually the place where a sales page would have a bunch of testimonials, well, I am not going to do that.  This one sums it all up very nicely. "hi guy, Joe here, don't have a question, just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do, with your web site, my family and I will be spending quality time together, and enjoying our new above ground pool we put up our selves, the LORD says we should help our neighbors, and you sir, have gone above and beyond, thank you again, and in HIS name be blessed".

Also included in the one time $35.00 consultation fee are the two books mentioned on this page.  I send those to you personally.

If you have followed me at Ask The Pool Pro and in the pool forums you know I am sincere.  I will gladly give you the best above ground pool installation support available anywhere.

above ground pool installation e-book
Additional pool help can be found in my Round Pool Installation book.  This book, full of photos and useful information, is guaranteed to save you time and money with your next above ground pool set up.  It would be $10.00 well spent, I promise you.

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Find Me on Kindle

This is a helpful selection of books I have written for above ground pool owners. At the Kindle store for just $2.99 each.

Above Ground Pool Installation Questions Kindle Cover Above Ground Pool Liner Questions Kindle Cover Above Ground Pool Filter Questions Kindle Cover Above Ground Pool Questions Kindle Cover

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