Pool leveling question

by Steve

I am thinking about an above ground pool 54 inches high and 18 foot round. However, my yard is not level. From high side I drop over 10 inches every 10 feet.

I want to get the pool but I do not want to have to put up a retaining wall. Can I back fill on the high side against the pool? It should only be about 20 inches at the highest point, or could I just have a slope?

On the high side I have about 9 feet from the pool (before concrete) that I can slope to the pool. Don't want a steep slope, really confused with this. We picked the pool pump/filter, a 1.5 HP with a Cartridge filter and a nature2 system. But the install is just really bringing up a lot of questions. Hope you can help.

Hi Steve. Backfilling for a pool is OK as long as you use material that can be packed so that it will not settle under the weight of the water. You also need to make the area 3-4 feet larger than the pool. This helps to prevent any kind of wash out.

My normal method of installing would be to use the dirt from the high side and build up the low side. That way you would only have about ten inches of fill and that would be pretty easy to pack.

It is OK to fill in the high side with dirt next to the pool. This gives it a nice look, like it is sunk into the ground a little.

Pages related to Pool Leveling.

Above Ground Swimming Pool Installation

Pool Out of Level

Above Ground Pool Installation Tips

Comments for Pool leveling question

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Jul 17, 2008
Filling in against pool
by: Carl

So where I removed 12 inches of dirt to level my ground, I can back fill that up against the metal pool wall? Will this cause it to rust out faster?
It would look nice, If I am understanding you correctly.

Hi Carl yes it is OK to back fill dirt against the pool wall. The wall should be well coated and rust should not be a problem. An extra precaution you could take would be to coat the wall with roofing tar before you back fill.

Aug 07, 2011
put up pool now or later?
by: Robin

I bought a Mystic 15 x 24 and had uneven land. The landscapers, took a three foot differential and split the difference, cut a hole into the back of the property and raised up the other half about 1 and 1/2 feet, maybe more. They took out all the boulders and are now leveling and tamping down the ground. They will be building a retaining wall to go outside the pool area. Pool contractor is concerned about pool becoming unlevel after installation. Should I wait a year to have the land settle, or is it okay for the landscapers to compact the dirt and add quick process, then tamp and level the ground after the retaining wall is up and then put the pool up? What is the likelihood the pool will be okay?

Hi Robin. If you use blocks under the uprights I think you will be just fine. Be sure to have a ledge beyond the pool and make sure it is all packed solid.

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