Pool Liner and Leaning Posts

Leaning Oval Pool Posts

Leaning Oval Pool Posts

My pool liner has come out from under my rail about a three foot section and the part of the rail will not go back into place because I see that it is leaning back slightly.

Should I put something under the support rails or should I have a pro do it?


I am not sure about having a pro do it, that's up to you. What I think needs done is the pool needs to be emptied and the sides straightened. Any of the side supports that are leaning need to be fixed. They have settled into the ground and need to be raised in the rear and have the blocks reset.

Doing this can cause some settling of the base material on the inside of the pool around the pressure plates. You will probably need to pull the liner back and check the base and smooth it out if needed.

Draining the pool will shrink the liner so be sure to leave a few inches of water in the bottom. If the liner is not too old, and on a hot sunny day you should be able to reset the top and stretch it back out.

If that does not work it will be time to install a new liner. But before doing so make sure the sides are straight and well blocked.

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