by Steve
(Bay City, TX)
Pool Caps
Pool Top Caps Needed
I have an above ground pool of unknown manufacture. I need top caps for it. There is a part # on the underside of the cap which is 31063-6. I am also going to try and upload some pics.
thanks, Steve
Comments for Pool Parts Locator
by Amanda
(Nettie West Virginia)
Pool Bottom Rail and Footplate
I bought this pool used and need to find some of the track for the bottom and the pieces that go on the legs on the bottom and I don't no were to find them. We don't no the make or model. I have enclosed a picture of what the pool looks like up and the pieces I need.
by Ken Ivey
(Spartanburg SC)
I just bought a used Recreational warehouse 24' pool and need to replace some of the bottom rails or rim rails that hold the walls in place. Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction on where to get them and how much they will be. Thank you in advance! Ken
by Madelene
(Greenville, Texas)
Pool Bottom Rail
Just got this 15 x 24 pool from a neighbor that had to move. It has a wrap around deck. I would like to know what brand it is and also some of the bottom track/rail are rotten and I need to know where to buy them.
Please help if you can
Thanks, Madelene
Comments for Above Ground Oval Pool Parts
Outback Pool
I have an Outback 18 foot round pool. I need some top rails and some of the 2 piece plastic covers that go over the top rails. I checked with the local dealer, and was informed that he couldn't get them. I read so many problems of people trying to get parts. You would think that parts would be kept for these items. I understand that they change every so often, but so does everything else in the world. This has really changed my mind about EVER buying another pool. I added a picture of the pool.
Comments for Top Rails And Plastic Top Covers
by Donny
I am looking for the metal plate that sits on top of the sidewall post. The top rails fasten to this. The pool plate is (W)5" 1/4 X 4". The manufacturer is Mystic Isles.
Comments for Top Plate
by Dave
(Garrettsville,Ohio USA)
I ran into one of the uprights on my pool with my riding lawn mower and dented it. will this weaken the pool? Should I replace it? If I need to replace it where can I buy one?
Hi Dave.
I would not bother replacing it. They add no support to the pool, to speak of. You could leave it alone and do nothing with it, or you could remove it, hammer it out, and reinstall it.
by KIM
Wedding Cake Steps Without Handle
I recently got wedding steps for our pool but it didn't come with a handle. Do you have a part that would work?
My email is kimandkevin678 at
by Stephanie
(Greenville, NC)
Looking for replacement wall panel for Lake Effect Pools 'Meadows Reprieve' 27' Round above Ground Swimming Pool | 52" Inch Height
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