Pool Replacement Parts

by Tom
(New Mexico)

We have an Outback above ground pool. During a bad storm last year we had a piece of furniture go flying, and it knocked off one of the two-piece top connectors.

I've been all over the internet and can't seem to figure out how I can buy a replacement part for this. We called the local company that sold and installed the pool for the previous homeowner and they said they called the distributor and looked on the internet and couldn't get one for us.

So right now it's just missing, but there's got to be some way to find a replacement for it, isn't there? HELP!

Hi Tom

Finding replacement parts for above ground pools has always been difficult. Some stores do a decent job of stocking parts for pools they sell but most do not. Most manufactures will sell parts to their dealers. The pools change almost every year and parts only remain in stock for a while after the pool has been discontinued. That makes it very hard to find parts for older pools.

If none of your local pool stores or the pool manufacturer can help you the parts are probably not available. Your second option is to see if you can have one made. I have seen some decent looking replacement parts fabricated in sheet metal shops.

Another option is to keep your eyes out for used pools for sale in your area. I am always amazed when entire pools sell for less money than the cost of a few replacement parts. If you found your model of pool in a backyard for less than a hundred dollars you would have it made.

Comments for Pool Replacement Parts

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Jul 04, 2009
outback empire pool
by: Anonymous

I have purchased a outback empire pool 33 feet round by 53 inches tall- I purchased the pool a few days after it was taken down by the previous owners (perfect condition holding water) after getting it home ALL the base plates that hold the upright supports were bent and or broke- the bottom rails were quite rusty. I paid 500.00 for the pool a steal? NOPE I can not get the base plates- once a liner has been exposed to the air after being full of water it can not be used again. new liner 415.00 ebay- installation of pool 1000.00 local pool person- sand 180.00 delivered- water 30,000 gallons from my hose 248.00- still no base plates?? outback caries a 50 year warranty that means nothing because they do not keep parts I guess.. total 2343.00 for a discontinued pool (2 years ago) and NO base plates. I did find a dealer in Canada (outback pools are made in Canada)that had the plates for a mere 10.00 each 23 plates 230.00 + 18.00 shipping...248.00 new total 2714.00. this was a 500.00 pool.. what a deal and that outback dealer was so kind offering me those base plates for a mere 10.00 each..

Jul 20, 2009
outback pool
by: Anonymous

I have all the parts for that pool that you would have needed. Outback is a great pool, I have installed nearly 2,000 of them. Parts are easily found if you are dealing with anyone who knows above ground pools. Rusted and bent are not a problem anyway because they are not structural. They are merely a guide to put the wall up. YOU made the CHOICE to buy new ones, buy water and pay an installer. Your gripes and complaints are disengenous at best.

Apr 05, 2012
Not easy to find parts!
by: Anonymous

The previous poster's comments are far from disingenuous. The company, if Canada, has NO customer service, their website is useless and the parts I need are not common so unless you can point me to someone IN OHIO that has the top caps for a 24' round Outback, Melrose above ground pool, then butt out! and you spelled disingenuous incorrectly!

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