Pool Skimmer Question

by Cindy

We recently had a 24 foot round above ground pool installed and have a slight problem with the skimmer.

The pool's top rails are 10 inches and extend half way past the top of the skimmer (not a wide mouth), making it impossible to remove the basket from outside of the pool.

I contacted the store where we purchased the pool, and they told us that we have to remove the basket from inside the pool. Okay, but here's the problem with that.

First of all the water is very cold right now, and I don't appreciate having to put my hand in there, and luckily I am tall enough to reach over the top of the pool and then down inside the skimmer.

Second, I have to tilt the basket in order to remove it and then half of the debris comes floating out if it and right into the pool!

So I was wondering if there is a skimmer out there that was designed to clear the larger size top rails, or if there is some sort of extension to fit standard skimmers?

We could probably cut the resin top rail to clear the top of the skimmer, but I don't think we should have to do that.

Thanks a lot.

Hi Cindy.

The only skimmer I know of that has an optional extension is the Doughboy brand. If you have a Doughboy pool the kit should have come with one. If it did not then you should have them give you one and install it for you. For all other brands notching the top rail is the only way. It seems like you should not have to do that but it is a lot easier than removing the basket from inside the pool.

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Jul 28, 2008
Pool skimmer
by: Robin

If you send me a picture of the pool and particularly of the return valve (where the water returns to the pool) I might have a solution for you. Email me at rbisseker at aol.com and with some more info I can make a device that will sit close to the edge, has an easily replaceable mesh bag and works like a bomb. I got a patent on this a few years ago but has some inherent problems to make it a universal unit. With enough info from you I would be happy to send one to you for the cost of materials, about $20.00. Your feedback would be the value to me.

Regards, Robin

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