Pool Wall Buckeled Out Around Skimmer

by Francine
(Sault Ste Marie, Ont, Canada)

Hello, we purchased a pool last year. Over the winter the wall where the skimmer is buckled up, there is nothing else wrong with the pool. I have attached 2 picture of this. Can this be fixed? I had one man come over and take a look at it and he said that it can't be repair is that so.

wall bent at skimmerbent swimming pool wall

Hi Francine

Straightening a wall is not that big of a deal, I don't know why anyone would say it is not possible.

You will need to drain the water down to below the damage and pull the liner back so that you have room to work on the wall.

With a rubber mallet and a 2" x 4" piece of lumber you can pound out the dents. I would then reinforce the wall with some flat stock metal taped to the inside. I would keep this out of the way of the skimmer, just a piece on each side.

Assuming it is a nice warm day, the liner should have no problem pulling back up to allow the skimmer holes to align back up.

The pieces of metal taped to the inside of the wall can be held in place with duct tape. Run the tape over the wall and down the outside by a few inches and they will never come off.

Comments for Pool Wall Buckeled Out Around Skimmer

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Apr 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

thanks and we will try this , will let you know what happens

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