Pool Wall Buckled After Draining Pool

by Terri
(Columbus Ohio)

This is only the second season we had our pool. Stupidity caused us to completely drain the pool because we could not get the green murky water cleared up after our algae problem. We did vacuum to waste. The water levels were all good and still the water would not clear up.

We were wasting money putting chemicals in it so we drained the pool. We cleaned the liner real good with disinfect and started refilling it when heavy rain caused the earth to sink in damaging the bottom rail on a couple of wall sections. So of course the wall buckled in.

If we replace the bottom rails will the wall structure be safe once filled all the way? It holds about 13,500 gallons of water. We will fix the cove area of course. We paid about 1700 for the pool just this time last year. I'm hoping that my money is not wasted because of the damage. Please help. This is a hard lesson learned.

Hi Terri

Any time you drain an above ground pool you run the risk of the liner shrinking and of rain and wind causing pool damage. It does not sound like your damage is too severe. Bottom rails can usually be straightened instead of having to replace them. They are not that important structurally and a hammer and a couple pairs of pliers can make them as good as new, in most cases.

Your liner would be my biggest concern. You need to get water back in the pool as soon as you can to prevent shrinkage. Be sure to do your filling during the heat of the day. That way the sun can help the liner stretch back out if it needs to.

Comments for Pool Wall Buckled After Draining Pool

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Jul 25, 2011
Pool Wall
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your input. We got new rails anyway because they were really bent. We were worried about the liner and as we looked closer in the cove area we found we had a couple of holes. This just made me feel more disgusted. We tore down the whole pool till next season and were gonna have a professional do the leveling of the ground and put in a new liner. I'm hoping that the wall will still be OK to use. The wall did straighten up as we tore it down. Although, my husband and his friend did a good job putting the pool up we realized that it would be better to have it done professionally for it was a lot of hard work for just 2 guys.

Aug 09, 2011
Buckled sides
by: Michele

So...the buckled sides are not a huge concern? We too drained our pool, did hire who we thought to be a professional but he drained so much of the water under the pool the sides buckled, and the sides are buried about a foot all around the pool and a deck is over that, and the pool is about 15 years old so digging up to straighten the sides out is not really an option. One of my friends told me the pool could collapse, simple physics would make me disagree since the pool is full and water is pushing on the sides, but it did really worry me, could you elaborate on the buckled sides a bit more?


Your pool is set in the ground, I can not see where you have a thing to worry about.

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