Pool Wall Problem

The outside of my 15' round pool broke near the skimmer. Where can I buy a replacement part?


Purchasing a new side wall is a rather expensive proposition. You might consider either repairing your existing sidewall or purchasing a used pool, they usually sell for much less than a replacement sidewall.

Repairing your wall is usually not much more complicated than taping sheet metal to the inside of it. You can by flat stock aluminum or steel at most hardware stores. This material works great for patching above ground pool sidewalls.

Below are links to other relevant pages concerning you pool wall repair or replacement.

Asahi Above Ground Pools

Parts For Above Ground Pools

Above Ground Pool Parts

Pool Wall Repair

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Above Ground Pool Wall Bent Inwards

by Dennis
(Montreal Canada)

We drained our pool for winter and now found that about half a foot of the wall and liner came apart from top rail and is now bent inwards. Is it fixable?

Hi Dennis.

Yes, it is fixable. The first thing you need is warm weather, until then there is just not too much you can do.

If you have a beaded liner you will need to drain the water down far enough to allow you to pull the liner up and insert it back into the bead receiver. Warm sun shine is a must if this is going to work. The liner may have shrunk to much and be unusable but you will not know until you try to reinstall it into the receiver.

If this does not work at first keep lowering the water and trying again. At some point the liner will go back into place or the pool will be drained and ready for a new one.

If it does go back into place then you need to refill the pool, again in direct sunlight. It could easily pull out again meaning the liner needs replaced. If the sun warms it, and if it is still pliable, the liner might stretch back into place just fine.

When enough water has been drained from the pool to release pressure from the wall it should push back into place. You may need to use a rubber mallet and a piece of 2 x 4 to pound it flat but it can be done. Do this before trying to reset the liner.

If the pool is an overlap liner you probably have a better chance of it going back into place without problems. That is if you still have the overhang left on the liner and not cut off. You will need to remove several top rails, rods and coping. You can then pull the liner into the pool and while one person holds the liner out of the way another person can get the wall straight. It's then a simple matter of pulling the liner back over the wall and resetting it.

This method may also require further draining and several attempts. Make use of the sun and if the liner has enough elasticity in it you should, at some point, be able to get it up and over the wall. Hold it in place with cloths pins until you can get the coping in place.

Here are a couple of pages that might be of further help.

Vinyl Liner Overhang

Pool Leveling

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Above Ground Pool Wall Has Buckled

by Bryan Smith

I have a pool that was winterized the same way we have in the past, and the pool is only 4 years old.

Drained below the return line, put a big air pillow in the middle, and covered with a pool cover.

The outside of the pool: we have the ground sloping away from the liner, with river stone covering about 2 feet outside the diameter of the pool.

This year, moments ago, I have notice that the pool cover is ripped, due to excessive snow covered I guess, and the sides of the pool are buckled almost all the way around .

In some places the wall has pulled out of the u track along the top rail.

Looking into the pool, I see the water has frozen solid, ( Schaghticoke, NY), however the ice has shrunk in, such that it is at least 4-5 inches away from the sides.

1. what do I do? and how? if anything.

2. what caused this?

thank you, Bryan Smith

Hi Bryan.

I am getting a lot of reports about wall damage due to the harsh winter. I would need to see pictures in order to know how bad the damage is and exactly what caused it.

Once the ground and the water have thawed, and the pool filled, there is a good chance the pool will push back into shape. The crease may not come completely out but the pool might be OK. Taking out the crease might mean lowering the water level, pulling the liner back, and working on it with a hammer and a piece of 2x4.

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Jun 10, 2021
Pool wall
by: Kevin


I just put up a 16x32x52 oval pool. Everything is great except the end radius on both ends the uprights are flattening out. Any suggestions to as what's causing this. Thxs

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20 year old Bermuda pool

by Mike
(Park Hill,.OK)

I need a pool wall 24' X 46" Bermuda all aluminum pool, any idea where to get one? Thanks.

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Oct 27, 2019
24x46 pool wall
by: Anonymous

I also need one if you find one post back and let me know where you got it ty

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Above Ground Replacement Wall

by Janet Schindele
(Broomfield, CO )

Garden Leisure Equinox Wall

Garden Leisure Equinox Wall

I’m looking for a Garden Leisure Equinox replacement wall for 18’ x 33’ oval. The wall has some cuts on an end of the wall.

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