Heavy Rains and Overflow

by Kathleen

I had an above ground pool put in during late summer. Everything is working great. But I do have a question.

I have the Hayward pump and sand filter and know to drain any excess water off. I also have a little Giant Pump with base for my pool cover that works well.

What I was wondering is. Is there a leveler, skimmer, pump, etc. out there that can automatically drain off any excess rain water. I just hate the thought of any water running over the sides nor going outside in heavy rains/storms. Oh, and the pool has not overflowed yet as I did go outside and put the filter on drain. Thanks!

Hi Kathleen

I am not aware of an automatic pump system for draining the water off the pool cover. If anyone has any helpful tips maybe they could add them here.

I am glad you are enjoying your pool and wish I could be of more help.

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Vinyl Liner Pool Overflow

by Gary

I have a liner pool and when it rains heavy I am scared it will go over the top lip of the liner so I drain it. Is there a way to install an overflow drain of some sort? ( I am a first time pool owner )

Hi Gary

The best overflow system I know of is a Hayward return fitting installed just above the normal water line. This would be like installing a second return except this fitting would connect to PVC pipe and run off into your yard or someplace. It could also connect to a backwash hose and only be used when you think it's needed.

I offered a few other suggestions to the same question on this page.

Drain Pool Fast

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Rainwater in Above Ground Pool

I just finished filling my new above ground pool to it's required level. It is going to rain for days in Chesapeake VA. What do I do when the water level gets above the required level?


You can easily drain a pool by putting the filter in the waist position. That is if you have a sand filter with a multi port valve system. The waist position can be used with, or without, turning the pump on.

draining an above ground pool

Another way of lowering the water level in an above ground pool is to use a garden hose and siphoning the water out. Put one end of the hose in the pool and weight it down with something, I stick it under the ladder. Hook the other end up to the water tap and turn it on for a few minutes. You then turn the water off and unhook the hose, the water should start running backwards out of the pool. This method should easily keep up with the rainfall.

Just letting the pool fill until it starts to drip out of the top of the skimmer is not the best way to do it. This could erode the ground around the pool in that area. If this is happening make sure the pool bottom rail is well covered and protected and that the dripping water is not causing erosion of any kind.

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