Posts Raised on my Above Ground Pool

by Tracy
(Falconer, NY)

Three posts on our above ground pool moved due to frost, and the liner has pulled away from the pool, and the top ring is about 4 to 5 inches above where it should be. How do I fix?

Hi Tracy

It sounds to me like your pool needs to be drained and re-leveled. It's best to leave a little water in the pool, just enough to hold the liner in place and keep it from shrinking.

When the pool is near empty you would remove several of the top rails in the area that needs to be lowered. A person inside the pool would then pull the liner back away from the edge of the pool. Working from outside the pool, you could raise the bottom rails, just enough to get a spade in there to remove some of the dirt and sand. When the rails have been lowered you might need to repair the cove on the inside of the pool. With this done the liner can be reset and the rails reinstalled.

I talk more about leveling a pool in this way here.

Pool Out of Level

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Jun 02, 2009
detached bottom rail
by: Anonymous

We have just installed our 27" round resin pool. This morning we noticed that one two foot section of wall has detached from the bottom track by a 1/8th inch. The pool is 3/4 full. We are trying to prop it up and get something solid under this section. Is there any tricks or do we have to drain, fix and start again? It is really challenging to fill as we have to haul water.

Any help would be great.

Hi Carrie

Hopefully by now you have found a way to wedge up the bottom rail just a little. I use a very long screwdriver. I stick it into the pool, under the rail and at a downward angle, I then use it for leverage to raise the bottom rail. If the wall will not quite line up with the groove in the rail, a screwdriver can be used to widen the groove just a little.

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