Rain Created Crevices in Deep End Slope

by Randy Davis
(Freeport, IL)

Round Pool Deep End

Round Pool Deep End

I am digging for a 21 foot round pool. I am digging a deep end in the center with sloping around the circumference. I have finished most of the shaping on the slope.

My issue is that a storm came through that dumped a lot of rain which created drainage crevices ( eroded dirt ) in several spots down the slope ( see pictures ).

How do I fix this ????

Some ideas include filling the crevices with loose dirt, or leave as is and use the sand base to fill the crevices, or dig out the crevices which would require the slope to be re-shaped and re-sloped.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions on how to fix this and any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi Randy.

It looks like a great job so far. I would use loose dirt and fill in the crevices. You could then do some packing and re-smoothing and be good as new.

Be sure to pack dirt around outside, when the pool is finished, to prevent rain water from damaging the pool base in the future.

It is easy to fix now, but not with a pool full of water.

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Aug 07, 2012
Thanks for the input
by: Randy Davis

Thanks for the input & indicating good job so far. It only took me 3 months to get to this point. What a challenging endeavor. I should have it up & ready by mid November (in northern IL) lol.

Yes I plan to fill in behind the pool wall. First dirt then top it with rock.

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