by Del Tague
(Pahrump, NV)
We just replaced our liner, and are at the stage of reattaching the skimmer.
I have been unable to find a whole lot of discussion on this, so I need to ask, is it advisable to use "silicone sealer" on the gasket(s), inside & out of the pool? Seems in my cleaning up of the skimmer parts, there sure was a lot of silicone sealer!
Anything else I should be aware of!
Thanks loads for the service & Have a super day, Del
Hi Del.
You should not have to use any silicone on your skimmer. New gaskets are usually needed, but that's about it. A properly installed skimmer should not need additional sealant.
You have removed sealer because the skimmer leaked at one time and that seemed like the best way to fix it. It's really not. The screws can be tightened or the gaskets replaced or reset.
Here is more information regarding skimmer installation and skimmer leaks.
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