by Ken
(Birch Run, MI)
I have a 28' above ground pool with a 6.5' deep end.
This winter, perhaps I didn't winterize it proper this time, but the liner developed a giant rip in the shallow end and the water all leaked out (deep end water still there).
Should I replace the liner or try and repair it?
It's a gash about 3" long. Looks like perhaps the ice shifted in there and ripped it. The liner is 13 years old. I'm afraid if I fix it, and there'll be 5 other small gashes or holes.
Thanks for any guidance!
Hi Ken. There are a few things you can consider while making your decision. The most important would be how much shrinkage the liner has had. Normally with a deep end pool, anytime you drain the water all the way to the deep area, the shallow end shrinks.
You should check the shallow end and see if you can still push the liner to the cove area of the wall. If the liner will still stretch to the base of the wall you should be OK.
You could then visually inspect the remainder of the liner. If you do not see anymore holes or tears, the liner is probably fine.
Use a good brand of glue like Boxer and let it dry completely before filling the pool. If the liner needs to do some stretching, the patch might pull off, but that's still not a problem. Go ahead and fill the pool to just below the hole and patch it again. Once the water is holding the liner tight against the wall the patch will have a better chance of holding.
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