Replace Top Rails on Pool

by Chris
(St. Petersburg, FL.)

I've read your entire site, VERY helpful. I have 5-6 top rails that have rusted through, and need replaced. Unfortunately, the pool is too old to identify the manufacturer.

I've searched the Asahi pool guys site in New York, and think they may have something that will work. Do you know of any other sites, or companies in the gulf coast of Fl that offer replacements?

I'd say they are 46.5" long 6" wide and have two small valleys running the length of the piece. I can send pics if needed.

Thanks very much! Chris

Hi Chris.

Thanks for getting the photos to me. This pool is not an Asahi and it is not a Muskin, although it is very similar to one of the older Muskin models.

I installed hundreds of these and the only name I remember seeing on the box was Hub. I think it was a product manufactured by Home and Roam Leisure Products but I can find no information on either name.

The store that dealt with these pools was Pool Supply Warehouse in Phoenix. It has been so long ago they may not even remember them.

I am posting your photos in hopes that someone can identify this pool, and maybe a source for parts.

above ground pool top connector
above ground pool
above ground pool top rail

Comments for Replace Top Rails on Pool

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Oct 08, 2009
also looking for rails
by: Jack Verwoerdt

THis picture seems a lot like my pool rails and I also need two rails and three caps , . If you find out where to get them please contact me at
or 504 340-6108

Apr 12, 2010
Me too...same thing...!
by: Chris

I have the same caps and can't find them...please let me know!

May 25, 2010
rusted top rails
by: Anonymous

It is probably an Ovation pool like mine. Out of business. If someone finds these rails or a replacement please email me at God bless America!

Jun 15, 2010
top rails
by: Tom

Me too. Need replacement rails and caps similar to those in pics. Please let me know at:

Jun 26, 2010
I have rails for Home and Roam pools
by: Hank

I took down our Home and Roam pool several years ago, and saved the top rails that were not rusted. Contact me at, if interested in buying any.

Jul 01, 2010
rail covers
by: neil

I have the same problem my pool is a 24'ponderosa need only the covers mine where plastic an the sun dried them out if you know any store that carry them contact me

Jul 11, 2011
Haydon Pool
by: Anonymous

We have a 15 foot by 30 foot oval "the dove" 1997 Haydon manufacturer top rails are rusting. Any help?

Jul 23, 2011
Pool Rails
by: Jennifer

I too am looking for top rails like the photos. Not sure of the manufacturer. Mine had little eagles on the caps. If anyone knows where I can get some let me know. Nothing wrong with pool just rails. It's been up about 21 years now and going strong. I would hate to tear it down. Thanks.

Aug 09, 2012
finding replacement top rails aspen pool
by: jim

I need help finding replacement top rails for my aspen pool, it is 24X48. If anyone can help me email think you

Sep 07, 2013
top rails for a lomart
by: Kathy

I've been looking for new top rails (6"x48")for an old(25-30Yr)Lomart 18' round pool. Cant find them anywhere? Can't afford to buy whole new pool just to replace top rails. I've refinished them every 2-4 years in past 12, but now rusted through. any suggestions?

Jun 16, 2014
Sears pool bought in 1981
by: Susie

We have had our 15 ft SEARS pool for 33 yrs...haven't taken it down at all...but the top rails are so rusted..I duct taped them for 3 yrs. but that blisters...I need 11 rails.. the caps are still good..if you know of any place let me know

Jun 21, 2014
Where did you buy it?
by: Anonymous

Where did you buy the rail tops from?

May 17, 2015
rusted top rails
by: Liz

I'm looking for 3 top rails for a Patriot Eldorado pool 24 foot round. The original paper work says they are 7" wide x 2 1/2" deep. Any one have any idea where I can locate these? I bought the pool in 1996. The company I bought it from said this pool was discontinued and they can't get parts for it. So much for my 25 year warranty!

Jul 28, 2015
by: Anonymous

Found the cheapest at 20 a piece but they r put of stock. HAVE TO Wait FOR THE spring

Aug 18, 2015
Website with many Above Ground Pool Top Rails
by: Anonymous

I found this website which stocks many above ground pool top rails, I like the way they show the dimensions of the rails along with the screw hole placement

Aug 21, 2015
Top rail fix
by: Buckeye

I've got rusted top rails with pieces dropping into the pool.. A cheap fix is to take rails off and brush grid with your drill and the spray a coat of the gutter liner in a can . It turns into a layer of rubber. You see it advertised on tv all the time. It will take about 6 cans. You can buy 2 cans for $20. Problem solved unless you want to shoot a coat of rust oleum paint on top of rail?

Jul 06, 2016
by: Anonymous

I have a 15 year old El Dorado above ground and am looking for top rail caps.any suggestions?

Jul 07, 2017
Top Rail Rust my pool is 4 years old
by: Glenda Tyson

Please help I need to replace my top rail it's rusted all the way through had to empty my pool rust has fallen in water Blue world pools sold this pool its 27' Round pool Classic

Jul 26, 2017
piss off
by: leon tetter

if it is a doughboy pool you are out of luck I have never seen such a poorely run company in my life there dealers are about worthless as a tree stump there web site sucks they wont help you get parts just buy new pool if you buy one you will be sorry like throwing money out the window

Jun 18, 2018
Top rail replacement
by: Bubbles

My pool is approximately 30 years old. It is a doughboy. I have a few of the top rails that need to be replaced right now they're like a white bluish color please advise if there's any available that do not cost an arm and a leg to ship

Jul 03, 2018
Top rails
by: Anonymous

Try send them pictures. I sent them pictures of my pool top rails and they have them.

Mar 22, 2019
24 ft round pool identity
by: Anonymous

I am looking to identifying the same pool, that Chris was. If his top rails are metal as mine are,I also has a rail need g replacing. Pool was installed in 2006

Jun 11, 2019
Weekender Pool series
by: KC

These rails, plates, rails, and caps look like the 15 foot Weekender Pool I just bought from The Oceania Weekender comes in !5, 18 and 21 feet round. The are manufactured in Canada by Cinderella Inc under a couple names like Cornelius Echo Round.

Jul 04, 2022
Rails and rail caps
by: Anonymous

I have a 12X20 foot Doughboy oval. Several rails and all the caps are rusted through. Is there anywhere I can get replacements?

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