by Tracey
(NS, Canada)
Parts for an Aqua Leader Pool
Hi, I have an Aqua Leader 24 ft by 52 in high above ground pool. Last summer we experienced an excessive amount of heavy equipment going by close to our home and pool (building a wind turbine farm above our property). Our pool got out of level quickly about 4 inch difference from one side to the other.
The low side of the pool bulged near the bottom and several of the resin joining plates that position the bottom track in place and hold the metal pool wall in place broke. All of the track in in good shape so I need to replace some of the joining plates and find out if the pool wall even with the bulge can handle the pressure of being filled again. Thanks for any and all advice. Tracey Murdock
by Matthew Procopio
(Landenberg PA US)
Pool Bottom Plate
Here is a pic of the plate I badly need.
It is 4"x7" with a 7/8 in track height.
Comments for Pool Bottom Plate
by Ready to Swim
Pool Foot Bracket
Hi all, Do you know where I can find replacement foot brackets? The # on bracket is 2167. We had a pool given to us that had rusted brackets that had to be broken and it has been nearly impossible to find them. Thanks.
Foot Bracket Replacements
by: Jack
Yes, I know of one place, though there are probably many, that could make these plates. Just today (July 22, 2011) I took one of my best looking foot plates to Vance Metal Fabricators in Geneva, NY where John Winters looked at it and said,"Oh, yeah. Not a problem. In fact, we can make them up in the same metal. They'll laser-cut it and bend the track holder. You can push up the tabs yourself to keep the price down. The price for all 14 will be right around our minimum of $100."
I'm expecting to pick them up late next week though a delay is possible since people are taking vacation days now, of course, at the factory. Because of the precision required in order for the track to slide in properly and for the post holes to line up with your tabs, better avoid the lawn-mower-repair class of 'fabricator', if you know what I mean. Good luck! Jack
by Dave
(Brunswick,Ohio USA)
Above Ground Pool Cap
I have a 24 foot above ground pool and need new top Caps I believe the part number is 13345. The pool was purchased in 1998 or 1999. The company went out of business and I need to replace these parts.
Thank You, Dave
Comments for Aurora Pool Made by Triton
by Judy
(Lee Center NY)
I have a Performa 15x30 above ground pool that I need to replace the top rail and caps in a couple of spots. Looking for replacements.
by Michal
(fresno ca)
I recently bought a used 18x33 pool and the owner did not know the manufacture of it. Several of the bottom base plates are rusted and need replacing. I have searched high and low trying to find them with no luck, what are my options if I cannot find them or does anyone know where I can?
by Dale
(Mt Vernon, Illinois USA )
Bar Harbor Top Plate
Swim'n Play, Inc. was the manufacture of Bar Harbor pool which I was told Wilbar bought out.
Bar Harbor part # for Top & bottom plate 230442 //// part # for 54 1/4 top & bottom rail 241390
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