Replacement Skimmer Leaking

by Dawn
(Heyworth, IL)

I just replaced a cracked skimmer on my above ground pool. I replaced it with an exact model and did everything according to the instructions.

The pool is now leaking at the bottom of the skimmer. I'm having to re-drain the pool again, what have I done wrong? Is there some caulking that could be of some help?

Thanks, Dawn

Hi Dawn.

It sounds to me like the gasket is not in the proper place, possible misaligned slightly. When I have a leaky skimmer on an above ground pool I like to work with the pool full of water so I know when the leak is stopped. This can save a lot of filling and refilling.

The first thing to do is visually inspect the outside of the skimmer and make sure you have the same amount of gasket showing all the way around. If there is an area with no gasket showing on the outside of the pool that's probably your problem. If the gasket looks good I go to the inside of the pool and tighten all the screws. I may go around the skimmer doing this several times making sure they are all as tight as possible.

If the skimmer is still leaking I then loosen all the screws and shift the gaskets slightly trying to reposition them just a little. At the same time I am checking to make sure all the screws are going through the holes in the gasket as this is important. If all the screws hit the holes the gasket should have a little wiggle room.

Most of the time when a skimmer will not seal it is because one of the screws missed the hole in the gasket and has pinched it or the gasket is not pushed down far enough to stick out the bottom of the skimmer.

Doing these kinds of things with a full pool will leak a little water, but not to bad really. At least this way you can see if you have fixed the problem right away.

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May 03, 2010
Skimmer Issue
by: Dawn

I believe that helped my problem. Leaks have stopped. I did what you suggested, but what also helped, was my husband coming through and tightening the screws tighter than I could get them.

Thank you for the help!


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