Replacing Atlantic Malibu Liner

by David Gudenau
(Fraser Mi.)

I have installed three Doughboy pools with no problems. I was asked to help replace liner on an Atlantic Malibu pool. My question is can we install the liner over sides, start to fill and remove top rail and place over liner just like I have done on Doughboy.

Hi David

Yes you can, as long as it is an overlap liner. If it is beaded you use a different method.

The instructions I just looked at show it using a round coping that installs over the retaining rods. That would be the only difference.

I would cut the old liner out with a razor knife leaving a few inches still hanging on the inside of the pool. I would stretch the new liner until the water was a few inches from the sidewall. That's when I remove the rails and set the liner.

This time the metal rods stay on the pool. Hopefully they are taped in place and don't try to pop off. If so, tape them as you go. I fold the excess liner back into the pool and this is no problem with the round coping, it can usually handle two layers of liner.

If you have installed Doughboy liners you should not have a problem.

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