Replacing Pool Deck Carpet

by Mitchell

Esther Williams Pool With Deck

Esther Williams Pool With Deck

I have an Esther Williams above ground pool such as the one in the picture.

We were wondering if there are instructions anywhere on replacing the carpet. I'm assuming I can use any outdoor carpeting but we were concerned when it came to getting under the aluminum along the sides. Any help is appreciated.


Hi Mitchell.

I have never had a pool like that nor have I ever replaced the carpet on one. Hopefully a site visitor with some actual experience with this could help us out.

I have carpeted plenty of outdoor decks so I have a little knowledge that might help.

Be sure your carpet is cut exactly the way you want it before applying any glue. Be careful not to get the glue all over everything, that's my biggest problem, the glue goes every, mostly where it does not need to be.

As far as the outer edge, I would just try to reverse engineer the thing and see how it was done originally. By taking stuff apart it might all become apparent to you. If doing a factory job does not look possible, you can always cut the carpet to fit up against any existing molding and then, if needed, add some custom edging over the carpet.

Comments for Replacing Pool Deck Carpet

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Jul 25, 2011
replacing pool deck carpeting
by: Pete

I have the exact pool shown, I replaced 2 sections of carpet several years ago and just removed the 2 sections nearest the pool edge for replacement this year, very easy to do. After removing the carpet with a paint scraper I pulled out the carpet left under the trim with a pair of pliers, it came all out in one piece as there is no glue there.When you glue down the new carpet tuck the edge under the trim first, loosen the deck sections to fold the carpet into the crease where they meet, then tighten.

Jun 21, 2016
Carpet Replacement
by: Mscotty

A friend of mine just replaced carpet on his pool that has a 3 section fan deck. He didn't carpet each deck section separately, just used one large piece to cover over all the deck sections. He figured why do each piece separately, they're in place and aren't going to go anywhere at this point.

Aug 15, 2017
Carpeting Deck?
by: New pool owner

We are new owners to an above ground pool. So new that the deck around the pool is not yet complete. I am curious about using outdoor carpeting on the deck. Will it hold water that will compromise the wood underneath? In my pro/con list, I have many "Pro's" but because I have never used outdoor carpeting, would like some feedback on the "con's".

Apr 27, 2019
Consider carpet with Marine backing
by: Anonymous

Hi, I scraped up all the old carpet and replaced it with home depot outdoor carpet on my 2 section metal deck (which we love!) After about five years the home depot carpet has broken down. I would consider getting better carpet or considering rubber grooved surfaces that are not too slippery or too hot from the sun.

We got our Ester Williams pool for free "second hand". We just had to take it down and reinstall it in our yard. I still remember Mr. Perfection, (my husband) laboring over leveling it at the install.

But guess what, its still is great after 15 years, same liner! GNow we're getting ready for Summer BBQs! Everyone loves a yard party!

Now I wish we could find a pool cover that will last more than one season!

Jun 19, 2019
I'm about to replace the pool deck carpet
by: Anonymous

I, too, have the same pool. The carpet was not glued down at all, merely held in place by the aluminum edge which cannot be removed. I'm thinking of using double sided carpet tape, I'm hoping that will hold it in place. Any thoughts?

Hi It's worth a try.

Jun 30, 2019
replacing pool deck carpet
by: Sue

I've had the same pool for 18 years. My deck is the one that goes on the straight side of the pool. It's glued down and wearing through to the aluminum. After reading about your success, I'll try to scrape it off and replace with the marine carpet. The aluminum strip at the pool edge is screwed onto the deck. I'm thinking I can unscrew it to put the edge of the carpet under and screw it back down. The carpet tape is a good idea to try at the outer edge. Any ideas?? Thanks.

Jul 23, 2019
I'm about to replace the pool deck carpet
by: Anonymous

Update: I have not completed the project yet but here's my experience so far. The rug was not glued but held in place by the edging, which is screwed down but not in a way that I can unscrew it to lay the new carpet under it. I will just abut it, that's the best I can do. Same with the center seam, can't get the carpet from between the seams out, again, will abut the seams on top of the deck. Home Depot has a 3" wide indoor/outdoor double sided tape that I will be using. Also, once the carpet was removed, the aluminum deck had a layer of dirt that we powerwashed off before laying the new carpet. I thought the carpet tape would stick better to clean aluminum than the layer of old dirt. No matter what, the new carpet will be better than the old worn one with holes on it!

Jul 30, 2019
pool cover
by: Al D

To the person looking for a good aboveground pool cover. There is a company in Chicago that is called MAURITZON that makes excellent custom covers. I'm impressed with the quality of their work and their prices are very reasonable.

May 04, 2020
Replace rug
by: Ellie

Hi I have the exact pool in the picture and would like to replace the rug. Is there anyone out there for hire in the 12547 zip code?

Jun 01, 2021
Pool carpet needs to be replaced
by: Anonymous


I have almost the same pool as shown above, except it’s the Johnny Weissmuller pool, and need to have the carpets replaced. Naamco doesn’t have anyone that they know to replace it. We are in Connecticut. Any help is appreciate. Thanks!
Hi Sorry, no help on that one.

Jul 18, 2021
Replacing Esther Williams Fan Deck Carpet
by: Joe S.

I am replacing my carpet on my Esther Williams two piece fan deck. I’ve reverse engineered the disassembly of the outer edges; we have a curved sort of clamshell edge which simply unscrews along with the corner plates. Once removed, it exposed to screws that held the edge plates in place. The edge plates cover the carpet edges. The flip up ladder simply unscrews for removal. The edge that borders the pool had to be unbolted from the deck on the underside and also unscrewed from the top edge. The top edge required removal of the "No Diving" plates to expose those screws which hold the pool edges on. Lastly, remove the ladder mounts where the pool entry ladder bolts in.
The real tough part was scraping off 12’year old carpet that was glued down with some kind of space age Gorilla glue. That’s where I’m at in the project.
Once the adhesive is removed I’ll. It the carpet to size, glue down, roll it with a carpet roller and reassemble the deck in reverse order. I purchased a good Mohawk brand outdoor carpet. I’m not sure if I’m going to tuck it into the center seam or just lay one contiguous piece. Separating the seam is only about 6 or so bolts underneath.
This originally seamed like a quick one day project but it’s morphed into what I call a "3-hour tour" for you Gilligan’s Island fans.

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