Replacing the Liner with Deck

We are replacing our above ground pool liner. Our deck is flush with the top of the pool. Now we can't figure out how to get 5 of the caps off, because they are up against the deck!!! Please help!!


Decks can be a real pain. The best way is to remove some of the lumber so you can get to the screws. When that is not possible we have tricks to try.

We have small screw drivers, angled screw drivers and you name it for working in tight spaces. It is usually possible with one person on the inside of the pool pulling back on the upright and wall that one of these devises can be used to remove the screws.

With the top rail next to where you are working removed you should have enough flexibility to pull the upright in.

Sometimes it requires crawling under the deck to get to some of the screws. I have done that many times.

The method I like the least, and is a real pain, but does work, is to slightly bend the wall just enough to come out of the retaining rods and into the pool area. Once the liner is attached with the coping in place the wall needs to be worked back in to the retaining rods and straightened out. This is done without removing any of the decorative caps, top rails or top caps.

It is possible so don't give up and let me know if I can be of more help.

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