Royal Pool Steps

by Jann

Royal Pool Steps

Royal Pool Steps

Hello, where can you purchase the Royal Pool step you show on your site that you say costs about $150?

Every site I've visited on line shows them about $350! Just wondering if you know the actual site where I could purchase them? Thanks much!

Hi Jann.

The keyword there is "about". But seriously, I am terribly sorry for the misinformation. That page was written years ago and from the looks of it needs updated.

You are right about the going price for the Royal Steps being about three fifty. I was able to find them on sale for $283.00 if that helps any. I am so sorry for misleading you and will make the correction to the page very soon.

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Apr 13, 2011
Royal Entrance Pool Step questions
by: Amy

I have the Royal Entrance Pool Step. Was wondering if this could be put in the pool without attaching the sand filled fence behind it? Seems the fence cuts down on water circulation and causes a lot of algae to grow behind the step.

Also, can this step be left outside for the winter?


Hi Amy

I have heard of putting a container of chlorine tabs under the step to control algae. Maybe someone who has used this step can help with the rest of your questions.

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