Rust Hole in Pool Wall

by Kim Fife

I have a above ground pool 12x24 its 10 years old and I just noticed the wall has a rust hole in it.

What do I do? We have river rock around the pool and a nice paver patio. Can I save the pool?

Please help. Thanks, Kim

Hi Kim

Small rust holes in the wall of above ground pools can be repaired. You will need to drain the pool water down to somewhere below the rust holes. Be careful not to take too much water out of the pool or the liner will shrink. Take out just enough so that you can pull the liner back and get in behind it.

Small holes can be repaired by taping sheets of metal flashing material to the inside of the sidewall. Use flat stock that is a lot bigger than the hole and use plenty of duct tape.

The page explains more about fixing holes in above ground pool sidewalls.

Pool Wall Repair

Comments for Rust Hole in Pool Wall

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May 23, 2011
Thank you!!
by: Dina

My pool is a 12 x 20 above ground and going into its 4th season. I just discovered the rust hole over the weekend. I have a slow running faucet coming out! Kind of shocking being my pool is only 4 yrs old! Went to the place I bought the pool and was offered no solution. Thank god for the internet! This will definitely fix my problem and is easy being I have already changed a pool liner once in my last pool that we took down due to it being too small. Thank you so much I can't wait to do this over the weekend. I'm on the east coast and it's not "pool season" yet so mine is not even opened yet but I am deretmined to enjoy this pool as soon as the weather cracks!

Aug 20, 2011
on pool wall
by: Anonymous

What if you are not getting a liner...we can just lift the liner up and repair as needed, trying to make it through the next month before closing, but I have a similar problem as Kim did. I am losing about an inch every 2 days now....used to be every 2 weeks. I had the puddy stuff that hardens but I guess it is done all it can do.


Hi Kim

You could drain the pool enough so that you could get behind it and repair the wall and the liner, it can all be done at the same time, without completely draining the pool.

Jul 21, 2012
Rust Holes in inground pool wall
by: Cheryl

Hello, we are having a similar problem with rust on the pool wall, however, we have an inground pool with a vinyl liner. We had the liner replaced last year, so it is still good, but we have a lot of rust and corrosion around the metal portion of the wall at the top. The metal is about 3 inches wide and goes all along the pool. Can you give any ideas as to how we can repair this in our inground pool? Thank you for any advice you can give.

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