by Cudachick
(Shreveport, LA)
I am taking care of my son's house since the AF has sent him to Korea for a year, and today, I was supposed to get the liner replaced. The pool company told his renter that after removing the liner, he found rust spots on the wall, 2 I think, not in the same place.
Now, he told them he could fix them, but would be concerned that after replacing the liner and filling the pool, the walls might eventually buckle. Don't want that!
I have been researching all the ways to fix this problem online and also trying to find the cost of replacing the whole wall, since that is what I have been told would have to be done.
I need some advice. Does fixing the spots depend on the size and where they are? Is it worth the risk to try and fix them, assuming it is done "right" the first time? I have read that the best way is to sand it down on both sides, put a metal plate over it, seal the plate with boat fiberglass, spray with Rustoleum, make sure all the edges are sealed with duct tape after the fiberglass to insure it will not puncture the liner. I just don't know what to do AND where can I find a replacement wall? Thank you!
Yes, it does depend on how bad the rust is. I have pulled back the cove and installed 18" flashing around the entire perimeter of the pool. I insert the flashing into the bottom rail and tape the top edge to the the sidewall.
I have also just cut squares of flat stock taped them onto the inside of the sidewall over the affected areas.
It just depends on how bad the rust is and in how many places it is located.
I would recommend sanding and painting the wall before the new liner is installed. Doing this will increase the life expectancy.
When doing patches, I just use duct tape, nothing else.
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