Rust at Return

by Michelle

Over the winter water had been dripping out of the return on the outside from what we could see it was coming from the treads on the outside of the pool, BUT there is a rust spot not right where we believe the water was gathering and running down the pool.

We removed the large nut and taped it up good but was still are slightly dripping, we then go to put the pipe on and while tightening it up the threads cracked on the part that comes out of the pool.

We have drained the pool down so we can replace the inlet, but was wondering what can be done about the rust area? We had gotten the special gasket to cover between the liner and the metal but don't know if that is working or what is going on.. Any suggestion on what to do??

Hi Michelle.

It sounds like you should do a little sanding and coating of the area before you install the new fitting. The new fitting should take care of the leaks but it would be helpful to take care of the rust also.

Once the area is sanded it can be coated with a clear paint, or even clear finger nail polish works.

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Adding a New Pool Return

by Dave
(Woodridge IL USA)

I would like to plug my existing return water inlet and add a new one 2 sections away. This is for convenience since we recently added a deck that covers the return.

How to I cut through the pool wall without getting metal shavings between the liner and the wall? It is a Doughboy pool.

Hi Dave.

Here are the steps you should probably follow to add a new return opening. Drain the water to about the half way point and remove several of the top rails in the area you will be working in. You can now remove the top caps, retaining rods and coping. Use cloths pins to hold the liner in place until you are ready to work in behind it.

A piece of flat metal can be taped over the existing return hole to block it off. This should be placed on the inside of the wall. It is helpful to run the tape up and over the sidewall to prevent the plate from slipping.

The return hole should be cut with a hole saw, double check but I think it is 2 1/2". A wet towel can be used on the inside of the pool to catch the metal shavings, there usually aren't to many, at least not with a sharp hole saw. A helper can hold the liner back out of the way and hold the towel against the wall under where you will be cutting the hole. Cut the hole from the outside going in. When the hole is cut use the towel to clean the wall inside and out.

The pool can now be put back together, the liner cut and the return installed.

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Return Opening Rusted

by Jeff
(Ne Ohio)

I recently purchased a home with an above ground pool with a deck all around it. It seems that the pool had a hole so I purchased a new liner and the guy came to install it and found that the return hole on the wall is rusted and is no good.

He mentioned that he has seen a return that is larger than your standard return but doesn't know where they are available from. Would you have any info on this?

Please help!! Jeff

Hi Jeff.

I have seen a few over sized returns but I would have no idea where to find one. I would not even bother trying, they were not that great of a product, and fixing what you have is so much easier.

The best method is to tape a sheet of flat metal over your existing return opening, from inside the pool, and then to cut a new opening.

Doughboy has used skimmer and return plates for 40 plus years now so they are perfectly save. Way back when, thru wall skimmers were not standard equipment, so they provided plates to cover the skimmer and return openings. They still do on larger pools that require two walls. They both have openings, as well as plates to cap the openings off, the end not being used for the filter equipment.

Any flat piece of steel or aluminum will work. I have used aluminum flashing, metal flat stock from Home Depot, cookie sheets cut to size, and once in a pinch a beer can, also cut to size.

You tape the metal to the inside of the wall with duct tape. Run the side tapes up and over the wall, this helps to hold the metal in place until the water fills and it is permanently attached, due to water pressure.

Cutting a new opening is easy. A Hayward fitting takes a 2 1/2" opening and a Doughboy take a 2" hole. You use a sharp hole saw, cut the new opening in a good section of wall, smooth it out with a hammer and chunk of wood. You can even coat the area with clear finger nail polish for some added protection against future rust.

All that remains is redoing the plumbing. With a flex hose that's pretty easy. The new hole can easily be made within working distance for your existing hose. With solid plumbing you will need a little pipe and maybe an angle fitting or two. But it is all minor stuff.

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