by Pamela Cairns
(Mims, Fl)
Showing Rusted Top Rail
I have had an above ground pool in the ground for almost 4 years. It was a very...very cheap Intex pool that has only metal ribs and a top rail. Everything is great with the pool but the metal is very rusted and broken in places. I want to remove the rusted ribs. I can't see any reason why this would not work, can you? I was thinking about anchoring the top pieces of the liner thru the holes that go over the top rails. Obviously the pool is held up by dirt and water working against each other. I could use some advice and would be willing to pay for a consulting session. Thanks, Pamela Cairns
Hi Pamela
At the ends of the poles I think you are calling top rails are the connectors that hold everything together. That appears to be where the rust is. If you remove the connectors there will be nothing to hold the poles up and they will fall into the pool allowing water to get in behind the pool causing a big mess.
I'm not sure how you plan to keep the straight pools up tight against the blocks surrounding them, but if you can do that it should work.
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