Sand Coming Out From Under Pool

by Shellie

Sand Seeping From Under Pool

Sand Seeping From Under Pool

I had a 24' above ground pool installed 3 weeks ago. The company leveled and installed the pool completely. I had stones placed around the pool as suggested by the company. We waited the 3 days before swimming to allow the sand to set.

After the excessive rain days I noticed that there is sand seeping out from under the pool liner along one edge. This has left a 2ft hollowed space under the liner. The company came to look at it today and I was told it is Mother Nature’s fault, and I need to drain the pool, they will come out and fix it, then I can repay for the water fill.

With the abundance of rain how do I know there is not a leak in the liner? Has anyone experienced this as I cannot believe that it is a nature thing, I would think it would be a leveling or installation mishap?

This late in the season I do not want to drain and fill, nor do I have another $450.00 to buy water again. Will the pool be OK if left and closed for the winter until next spring? What does the rain have to do with this?

Hi Shellie

It sounds to me like you need to drain the pool and let the installers fix it. A trench on the inside of the pool means your cove washed out and the liner could be coming into contact with the pool frame. This could cause the liner to blow out.

Your liner may not be all the way onto the frame, and if it is not leaking, it might be OK to leave that way.

The big thing is to find out why this happened. Sand in only one spot usually means the liner has a hole that caused the pool water to wash out the cove. If it was just the rain you would probably have that problem in more than one spot.

To keep rain water from damaging the pool be sure you have either a good size dirt birm around the outside, or plastic under the rock that goes up the wall a few inches. Either of these solutions will keep rain water from causing pool damage.

Most important is getting into the wash out area and making sure there is not a hole. If there is it could possibly be patched. If not, make sure the liner is not coming into contact with pool frame metal.

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Sep 18, 2019
Sand leaking out
by: Anonymous

This has happened to us, how do I check to make sure the liner isn’t touching the metal sidewall?


What you are concerned about is the cove washing out and the liner sitting on the bottom rail and maybe the sharp metal of a footplate. A visual check of the pool cove should be all you need to do.

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