by Jan
I asked a question a few days ago and got a wonderfully quick answer, so will try again.
One and a half seasons ago, I replaced the inside parts of my sand filter. Although I thought I carefully followed instructions in putting in new sand, I got several cups of sand in the pool when it restarted.
I took the sand out and re-did it 3 times, but obviously must be doing something wrong. I still get sand in the pool when I re-start after backwashing. Any ideas on what might be happening?
Hi Jan.
There is not a definite answer to this question but here are a few ideas. It might be that there is to much sand in the filter and when the level is correct it will stop.
More likely would be the serpentine gasket in the valve assembly that needs replaced. When these go bad sand will be allowed to go back into the pool.
Not using the Rinse position could be the problem also. If the sand filter has a rinse position, as most do, this is supposed to rinse the dirt and sand out of the filter so it does not go back into the pool. If you do not have a rinse position you could try letting the filter sit a few minutes after back flushing.
Another possibility is a tear in the laterals that would allow sand back into the pool. All sand filters are a little different but most of them have laterals that could be damaged and in need of replacement.
Hope one of these solutions help.
by Steve
My child accidentally dropped a small bucket of play sand into our pool (about 1/2 lb worth). What is the best way to remove it? I have a Hayward EC40 DE filter. Is it safe to just connect the vacuum to the filter and vacuum it up?
Please help. Thanks!!
Hi Steve.
It would be just fine to vacuum the sand into the filter. When the pool is clean, clean the filter and recharge the elements.
Another option is to get a garden hose siphoning water from the pool and use it to vacuum out the sand. This would prevent the sand from going into the filter.
These handy tools are just perfect for little accidents like that.
by Kathy Ann
(San antonio, texas)
After I replaced the sand in the filter, I had put in 2 1/2 bags of sand and I have used the rinse cycle on the pump, and sand still blows out of jets??
Hi Kathy Ann.
I would run the pump on backwash for a couple of minutes and see if that helps. If not I would check to make sure I put in the correct amount of sand.
After that I would check the spider gasket, if you have a rotary valve filter. The valve on top of the filter has a gasket in it that goes bad on a regular basis. When this happens it does not seal properly between the ports and sand can easily get back into the pool.
If at any time the valve seems hard to turn it's time to take the cover off and grease the gasket. This keeps it functioning properly without needed replaced as often. If it has been in use for a few years I would check it, it's not expensive and a pretty easy fix. Be sure to mark the top and bottom half with a marker so that the top goes back on in exactly the position it was. It's so easy to get them a notch or two off resulting in water going out the backwash when it should be going out the pool return.
If none of the above work it's time to remove the sand and check the laterals. Make sure nothing go jarred while changing the sand. Make sure there are no tears or cracks in the arms sticking out from the center post. Make sure they are all securely attached to the center post.
Somewhere in all of this you should be able to stop the sand from coming back into the pool.
I changed my sand in the Swimpro filter, assembled the hose, turned on the filter, then the sand started coming into the pool.
I tried to backwash for a few minutes, reset it, and again it came back in the pool. I don't know what is going on.
When you change the sand in a sand filter it's important to put enough water in the bottom of the tank to cover the laterals. If this was not done they may have become damaged.
The two most common places for sand to get through the filter and back into the pool are the laterals and the multi port valve. The laterals could be damaged or not firmly in place. The valve may have a worn spider gasket which is letting the sand through.
It's also possible that to much sand was added. If you think all of these things are OK you may let it run for a few days and see if the problem takes care of itself.
Anyone else having had the same problem immediately after changing the sand let us know what it was and how you fixed it.
by ken
My above ground pool had been running without any problems for 5+ years, but then sand appeared in the pool. I tried several things what are recommended to correct this problem, but it has continued. First, I replaced the spider gasket assembly on the multiport unit. I ran the system and continued to get sand in the pool. Then I emptied the sand filter, replaced all 8 laterals and the tube part they screw into that connects them with the multiport assembly, and added the recommended amount of new sand. Reconnected the filter, primed, back washed, rinse the lines and then started the filter cycle for 8 hrs. Sand reappeared in the pool, the amount seemed to increase with each filter cycle. I then flushed out the lines for skimmer and return, vac sand off the bottom of the pool, and still sand continued to show up in the pool. What else can I do? Before this problem appeared this year, the pool worked great for 5+ yrs. HELP!
Hi Ken
I know this is a late reply, did you find a fix to your problem. You have done what you needed to do with the filter, is it possible the sand is coming from a hole in the liner?
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