by Joe
(Uxbridge, Ma)
Quick question. My above ground pool wall buckled below the filter. I was going to hammer out the crease using a 2x4 on one side and a hammer on the other. Should I hammer the outside of the wall or does it matter?
Hi Joe
I usually use the 2 x 4 on the outside of the wall to help reduce any visible damage. On the inside, once the repair is made, you can always do a little sanding and painting, just to add a little more protection to the wall.
Some creases have a habit of coming back once water is in the pool. Sheet metal can be taped to the inside of the wall as further reinforcement. Most of the time, when this is done, the wall never creases in that spot again.
When the damage is as bad as the one in the photo, or worse, I find it helpful to remove the pool wall and lay it out flat on a slab of concrete. I can then walk over it to get out the worst of the creases. Then I start with the hammer and lumber.
We use this method a lot for pools that have been set in the ground. If they are left empty, the dirt around the pool falls in, and the pool collapses. This causes an awful mess with the sidewall. They can, however, be fixed.
Bottom of Wall Bent In
Hoping there is an easy fix for this. All the walls seemed fine until I attached the skimmer. Now I have three small indentations in the bottom of the wall beneath the skimmer. Will these cause the wall to collapse? This is on the service panel on a Tahitian 27' round pool.
The most likely explanation is the bottom rail is a little high in that area. You could try taking a screw driver and scraping some dirt out from under it. This will normally allow the rail to lower and the buckle in the wall to come out.
Comments for Bottom of Wall Bent In
We have a 15 x 26 oval Sharkline pool. This is our third installation on this pool (each time by the same pool company but different installers). We just refilled the pool.
After less than 24 hours with the pool full, there is a bend in the wall at the bottom of one of the uprights. It is bent into the pool and is pulled about an inch from the upright.
Do we have to have the pool drained and redone again or can this be fixed while the pool is full of water? I am about ready to tell this pool company to take the pool back and get our money back!
This can normally be fixed by removing a little dirt from under the upright and bottom rails, with the pool full. That is assuming the damage is caused by that area of the pool being a little high. If that's not the problem you may have other issues.
It does, however, warrant a call to the pool company to have them come out and look at it. Another possibility is that the pool wall has been compromised by too much up and down. That would depend on how badly it has been previously installed and how gentle the crews were with taking it down each time.
It is too bad you have had such a time with this company, I sure hope they make it right for you. I also hope they get rid of their bad installers and just use good ones in the future. It is not easy running a seasonal company. You get real busy for a short period of time and have to hire new help. It is also not easy for a company to admit they hired lousy help and agree to do whatever it takes to make you happy.
Let us know how they handle it. If it was not to your satisfaction you may want to let others know the name of the company so they can avoid them.
by Susan
(Lawrence, Mass.)
side walls buckling at the bottom
We have a 15x30 above ground pool that has been in great shape for 12 years, except replacing liners. We live in New England with cold and snowy winters and this winter has been one of the worst.
The snow caved in our cover and I'm not sure what happened but the pool drained itself. I'm sure a rip in the liner somewhere.
Our concern though was the base of the pool is slightly buckling all around but has not come out of the bottom track. If we buy a new liner, fill the pool, will it straighten itself out? Or are we going to be in trouble when we do this?
Hi Susan
I think you will be just fine to replace the liner. While the pool is empty make an effort to straighten the sidewall. A 2x4 on each side of the wall, along with a hammer when needed, will do a find job of getting rid of the damage shown in you photos.
It would probably be just fine left as it is, but with a little time it could be good as new. This is also a good time to closely examine the inside of the wall for any rust issues. Sand and paint if needed. Properly taken care of a 12 year old pool could easily last another twelve.
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