Sink An Intex Soft Sided Pool
Can I sink my 18' intex soft sided pool 2' in ground if I use 1/4" plywood sections as a retaining wall?
I plan on using 3'x 4' sections of 1/4" plywood around the already sunken, filled pool then back fill it with dirt.
The plywood would be flush against the pool liner and the metal upright post and be coated with water sealant prior to back filling.
The plywood will be about 6" above ground level and extend about 6" below bottom of pool would this work?
thank you
Hi. I think your plan sounds very workable. The only thing I would do different is to use a thicker plywood. I'm just not sure the 1/4" is going to hold the dirt back the way it needs to. I would sure love to see photos of how this pool project progresses.
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