Sinking Poles On My Intex Metal Frame Pool

by Angie
(Royal Oak, MI)

How do I fix the sinking poles on my 15' x 4' Intex metal frame pool. The dirt/sand has washed out on one side, due to recent excessive rain. The sinking poles are about 2" into the ground as of this morning. The poles on the higher side are no long touching the ground. (I want to think I am lucky that the lower side is the filter side.)

The sinking started about 3 days ago when the rain started. To give a little history, since our yard is on a large grade to begin with, we took the time this year to build the lower side slightly higher than what would be level, after noting some settling in recent years in areas where dirt was added and impossible to pack as dense as the higher part of the yard.

With that being said, I feel our efforts were not appreciated, due to the current status of our pool. I am very concerned and would like to avoid having to drain it completely. Its the 4th of July and I'd like to spend my one day off enjoying the pool with my kids. Suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!

Hi Angie.

All your support posts should be sitting on patio blocks. Once you do that the pool will not be sinking anymore.

You might be able to install some temporary wedges under some of the uprights to get you through the season.

When it comes time to set it up again, re-level the area and use blocks under the posts.

Comments for Sinking Poles On My Intex Metal Frame Pool

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Jul 24, 2012
Sinking Pole update!
by: Angie

Thank you for your response! I thought I'd take the time to update you on the "sinking" situation.

We did as you suggested and were able to use 2 hydraulic 3 ton car jacks, a few 4x4's and some careful maneuvering to got some support under the sinking poles. This is our 3rd year with our intex pool, and up until now, we have never put the poles on patio bricks for support. But you can bet your buttons we will from here on out!

With all of that being said, the pool held up pretty well. The poles that were raised from the ground never did go back to touching the ground.

We just continued to keep an eye on it daily to look for changes. I noticed this weekend that the former "sinking" poles started to lift from the bricks and the other side wasn't coming down. Shortly after the kids were called out of the pool to dry off before dinner, I noticed a SUDDEN, DRASTIC change in the shape of the pool. The once sinking side of the pool actually raised up, the pole and rope was completely off the ground and the bottom liner was exposed. You could actually see and feel it getting higher and higher which was putting pressure on other parts of the pool. I immediately decided to start draining it and be thankful the kids were safe.

When the pool was mostly drained, I was able to move the pool to see water standing not in the expected "lower" side of the yard, but instead it was on what would be the higher side of the grade. We have since leveled the ground out (again) and packed it down like a good pool owner should. But now,I can't decide if I want to actually refill the pool. I am still in shock of the bill that came in for the initial fill this year! (With the price of water around here, I am beginning to think it would be cheaper to fill the pool with liquid gold!)

Needless to say, I am extremely disenchanted. It was 102 degrees today and would be a perfect day for the kids to cool off in the pool. IF we do decide to fill it again..... (AFTER PLACING THE SUPPORT POLES ON PATIO BRICKS OF COURSE!!!) I will post another update!

Please know how thankful I am to have found this site. There is an overwhelming amount of information on the web. This site seems to have the perfect amount of advice, that is straightforward and extremely helpful! Keep up the GREAT work!

Jun 29, 2017
Me too
by: Anita

I have the same issue but am very weary that if we jack up that corner is will tear the liner

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