Snow on Pool Cover

We have had so much snow that it's bringing down our cover - way down into the center...never seen it so bad than how it is this year.

Should we try to remove the heavy snow...will our cover make it?


I would try to keep as much snow off the pool cover as possible, that would be a big help. You could also try keeping as much water in the pool as possible, this would keep the cover from sinking too low and possibly ripping.

Another good idea is to use some type of inflatable under the cover to keep the center higher than the rest of the pool area. As the snow melts you may also need a pool cover water pump to remove the melted snow. Keeping the cover as free of leaves, snow, water or anything else will extend it's life considerably.

Winterize Your Pool

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Buckling Pool Wall And Snow

by Sherry

I have a 30' round above ground. The water level is low - I think this is due to pumping water off the cover too much and not realizing the pump was sucking water up from under the cover.

The water is about 18 inches below top of pool. We just had 2 major snowstorms so there is a ton of snow on the cover. I just noticed that the walls, as far around as I can see, are starting to look a little buckled.

The buckles are not horizontal, they are more up and down. I will try to clear off some of the snow (won't be able to get much) but I was wondering if I should try to refill the pool at least some. I can place the hose under the cover or put it through the return valve hole (since the water is way below that).

I wasn't sure if this would be a good idea due to the fact that there is probably ice under the cover (adding water might move it around enough to cut the liner). I might be able to send a picture if you need it. I would appreciate any immediate advice that will help me to ensure my walls don't actually buckle and cause problems. Thanks, Sherry

Hi Sherry

I would place the hose under the cover and try to keep the pool as full as possible, I would also keep as much snow off the cover as possible.

The wall damage could be from the water level being too low causing the liner to pull down, it could be from a deeper than normal freeze and the icy water pushing out against the wall or it could be the ground is pushing up due to the freezing conditions.

All you can really do is keep the pool full, the cover as clear as possible, and wait for the ground to thaw.

Comments for Buckling Pool Wall And Snow

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Mar 17, 2015
Ice and Snow
by: Anonymous

I've had the same pool for thirteen years but this year 2015 in Connecticut, my pool looked ok until the temps hit the 40's. It was such a cold winter with lots of snow, my pool is covered and not much water was drained. I noticed when the 18" of ice that built up on the liner when the temps hits the 40's the separation of huge ice chunks started, must have punctured the liner seeing the water is gone, the pool walls are buckling. I have never seen this happen before. But from what I've seen, I think with that much ice built and the collapse of sections of ice in the center of the pool 18" of complete ice, not any pool wall will survive. I need to purchase another pool.

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4ft Of Snow On Pool

by Lori

Is my above ground pool in danger of collapsing if the cover has four feet of snow on the cover?

Hi Lori

Cold and snowy winters like this one can cause all kinds of problems for above ground pools. The only things you can really do is to keep the pool as full of water as possible and to get the snow, ice and water off the cover as soon as you can.

Most conditions that may be caused by the freezing ground, or too much snow, will go away when things thaw out. So until then there is no way of knowing if any permanent damage is occurring or not. When spring comes around, if things don't look right, send me a picture and we can go from there.

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Pool Liner and Wall Damage from Winter

by Abir
(Montreal, Canada)

Wall1 (Outside)

Wall1 (Outside)

I have a 24 feet Round Above Ground Pool.

While closing the pool towards the end of Fall, I winterized it with all standard chemicals provided in the "Pool Closing Kit" and covered the pool with a pool cover and an 8 feet pillow under it.

This year we had a lot of snow and it piled almost 2 feet above the pool cover and I could clearly see the "bulge" of the pillow in the middle of the pool.

In February, when the days were surprisingly warmer, I realized that the snow in the middle of the cover started caving in, but I could still see the "bulge" and to my horror, saw the water leak out. I knew my liner was gone.

Now, in Spring, once all the ice and snow melted, I went to inspect and saw the Wall bent out of shape. I understand how it happened, but "experts" from a local pool company said that the wall is too much to repair and I am better off replacing the pool. I have attached pictures to better explain.

I bought a liner and I am ready to hammer the wall into shape, but could you please confirm if it is possible and what things should I be looking forward to, to make sure that the pool is usable and does not need replacement.

Also, if you could please advise if something can be done that it doesn't happen again.

Hi Abir I see nothing in the photos that can't be easily fixed.

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