Storing an Intex Pool for the Winter

by Susan

We recently purchased an Intex Ultraframe 12' x 24' x 53" above ground pool. We live in Baltimore Maryland and thought it best to take the pool down during the winter months because of the harsh winters.

However, after reading your questions and answers, we are afraid the liner will shrink while it is in storage.

What do you suggest?

Thank you, Susan

Hi Susan

The Intex Ultraframe pools do not use a replaceable vinyl liner like regular steel wall above ground pools. Liner shrinkage is not something you have to worry about. Intex frame pools were meant to be set up and taken down easily, year after year.

I would suggest cleaning and drying the pool before storing. Store the pool in a garage or some place out of the cold and the snow. If you are careful with the take down, storage and re-assembly your pool should last many years, probably longer than if you left it up year round.

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Liner Protector for Intex Pool

by Rudy
(Brownsville tx)

Does my 24 ft round above ground pool need a wall liner protector. It states they help prevent tears etc and protect the wall from getting corroded, also , do I need to install cove material at the base of the inside of this pool? I intend to add sand to the center of the pool as the base. I have the Intex 24 ft round 52" deep ultra frame pool.

Hi Rudy

Cove material is only needed on steel wall pools with vinyl liners. Your Intex pool will not require this.

The only liner protector that I know of for your pool is a thin plastic sheet that goes on top of your ground under the pool. If you are using a sand base you don't need to worry about it. Just be sure there are no rocks in the sand and you should be fine.

Intex pools assemble completely different than metal wall above ground pools. The wall is also the liner and needs no special protection.

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May 27, 2014
intex self standing pool winter wear
by: chris

Just bought 9x18 intex self standing pool. I live in Pennsylvania the weather in the winter months is well below freezing. And I wondered how these pools hold up in the cold weather. I want to build a deck around one of the ends and cover pool for winter. Can this be done with this kind of pool without alot of problems

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