Straps on Oval Above Ground Pool

by Jim Melchionna
(Sewell, NJ)

I seem to have a few broken straps under my pool and I am trying to replace them. The rest of the pool is in great shape. I may also be looking for some tracking sections for the bottom that seem to have split. Do you know what the strapping material is made of?

I have 6 verticals on each side and each vertical has a 45 degree support. It appears the strap starts at the edge of the 45 with 2 screws (looks like aluminum there, it then goes under the vertical). I think it's attached to the vertical under it, not sure – that's another question, and then under the pool.

Hi Jim

When I am replacing straps under above ground pools I go to Home Depot and buy a roll of construction strapping. It's a steel strap material used in home construction. I then use tin snips to cut the material to the lengths I need them. Then I attach the straps to the brace channels with a series of heavy duty self tapping screws.

Most of the time the existing straps are bolted to the brace channel somewhere near the front. Unbolting them is usually not necessary, just cut the straps with tin snips and lay the new material over top of what's left of the old strap.

straps on an oval above ground pool

Comments for Straps on Oval Above Ground Pool

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May 12, 2012
Straps on pool
by: Anonymous

I'm having the same problem as Jim. Went To replace my liner and one strap had rotted and broke. Is the construction strapping your referring to metal flashing. If so is it strong enough. If that's not it can you tell me what item in home depot you are referring to.

Thank you


That's a great question. Here is what you are looking for at Home Depot.

Simpson Strong-Tie 25 ft. 16-Gauge Coiled Strap

May 25, 2013
Bottom support Straps for Oval pool

I could not find the 4 inch wide 15 feet support straps anywhere so I ordered them custom. I will be getting 4.5 in wide stainless steel straps on
a roll about 70 feet long and .090 thick. That was a minimum. With shipping they cost $400. I only need half of it. Does anyone want to split the cost and take the other half?

Aug 27, 2018
Straps on oval pool
by: Anonymous

I am curious to know how often this process would need to be done....I have had my pool for 11 years and I have to do this every year. It is costing me $6-700 each time, some summers it has to be done twice if other straps break. I am very frustrated with the pool company that I use. They have been so good to me over the years but every time it happens I get new reason as to why its happening and they never give me a solution to fix it for longer than 1 year. If it is possible to email me an answer - that would be
I am from Tennessee so there should be no conflict of interest in answering.
thank you in advance for any assistance


This is not a common problem here in Arizona. Oval pools can last up to 20 years with no problems. I seldom have to replace oval pool straps. You may have soil that will rust metal in short order. You could try going with a very thick gauge strap and replace them all at one time with this new material.

Sep 03, 2019
Oval pool straps broken
by: Mike

I have an 18x45 oval pool with straps that broke under the hold down plates. The pool is 20 years old. Through this thread I understand I can use construction straps. . Do I need to replace the whole strap or can I splice the straps together with the construction strap?

Hi Mike

Either way would work just fine. It would be a good time to inspect all the straps and replace any that look bad.

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