Stretching a Flat Bottom Liner

by Josh

I bought an INTEX 24' x 52" Above Ground Metal Frame Pool.

Can I "dish" the bottom any as long as the sides are level? This isn't specifically an expandable liner, but how much can it safely stretch?

Thank you.

Hi Josh. I don't think there is any stretch, or give, in a metal frame pool. You might get away with a couple of inches but if it were me I would make it flat all the way across.

Metal frame pools have more of a canvas type membrane as opposed to the material used in a vinyl liner. The pools are very strong and hard to puncture but not very easy to stretch.

I think I would follow the installation instructions to be on the safe side.

Intex soft side pool

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Jul 06, 2012
Can I install a vinyl liner round pool over a bowl-shaped hole?
by: Mark

I just bought a 54" x 30' typical metal wall / vinyl liner and was wondering if I could recess the middle 6 -12 in. as long as the perimeter was level ie. stretch the liner just a little to get a little extra depth in the middle.

Thanks for a great website.

Hi Mark. I would be very comfortable going 6". The key is to install the liner under the best of conditions, a hot day in full sun.

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