by John
What size pool pump and filter do I need for a Doughboy 24 foot pool 3' 6" deep. I bought a house that came with a pool, filter and pump. The current pump and filter don't seem to be working correctly.
I'm using an earth filter, after about 30 minutes the clean water coming out of the filter slows down almost coming to a complete stop. I have re-generated the filter countless times but it always goes back to the same problem, I think the pump and filter may be bad???
Hi John.
The filter elements might be bad and in need of replacing. It seems they are either worn out or not getting cleaned well enough. It appears the system itself is working properly because with a freshly cleaned unit is operates as it should.
If you are looking to replace the system you might consider a sand filter. They are very efficient and easy to operate.
The most effective systems use a two speed pump using about a 3/4 and 1 1/2 horse powers. The idea with this is the water is better cleaned and circulated at a lower speed and you also use much less electricity. The higher speed, however, is needed for proper cleaning of the pool.
If a single speed 1 1/2 HP pump is used consider adding a second return to allow for the flow of water this pump would need.
by Philip
(Snohomish, WA USA)
How many gallons per hour should a pool filtration system pump for an above ground 18 foot Round 48 inch deep pool?
Hi Philip.
An 18 foot pool could be adequately filtered with a 1/2 HP or a 1 1/2 HP or anything in between. The most important factor becomes how long do you run the filter? Smaller pumps need more filtration time while larger ones can turn the water over quicker and require less running.
Two speed pumps along the lines of 3/4 to 1 1/2 or 1/2 to 1 are excellent systems. Filtration at the lower rate, for more hours, is preferred but the high speed is better for running cleaners and vacuuming.
Running a low speed pump for 24/7 is a very acceptable way of keeping a pool clean. Two more important things to note with regards to above ground pool filter systems are, the hotter the temperature is the more hours a day the filter should run. If you ever have water clarity problems, run the filter non-stop until the water clears.
Below are links to more reading about above ground pool filter systems.
by Bee
(New orleans)
I have a 15' x 30' Oval (12,000 gallons) above ground pool I put 3ft in the ground. I need to purchase a new pump? Which type should I buy?
Should I get an in ground pool pump or an above ground pool pump? And what hp?
Hi Bee.
Above ground pool pumps are meant to be gravity fed, so the pump should be lower than the water level. Since you pool is set in the ground this is probably not the case.
I would suggest an in ground pool pump because they are meant to draw water up hill.
The best ones are the two speed models. Something along the lines of a 3/4 - 1 1/2 HP. This give the perfect low speed for regular filtering and the high speed for vacuuming and other maintenance.
Doing you filtering at a lower speed will safe a lot on your utility bill plus clean the water better. When water is pumped to fast through the filter media it does not clean as well.
You will run your pump a few extra hours a day, but still save over the use of a higher HP system.
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