by Jessica
(Winston Salem, NC)
Ok so I was the person who wrote in about putting my beaded liner as an overlap liner -having it lined up perfectly, filling then having the liner slip. I went ahead and purchased the bead receivers and drained the pool down to about an a few inches of water (just the floor of pool filled) to the cove...not much...
We went around the whole pool adding the receiver pieces and snapping in the liner (took like 2 1/2 hours I think maybe longer) we get to the very end and we have "too much liner" like 12 inches too much--I noticed the liner looks a little off now (like pulled too much to the right a bit) but I am unsure how I ended up with 12 inches of excess liner and how to fix THIS now!! Can it be fixed?
Did I mess up by overstretching it by having it overlapped for a few days! I figured I'd get my wet/dry vac and just take down the liner and start over but wondering how resetting (does resetting it take care of excess????)
Any suggestions! It is an 18' x 33' liner and an 18' x 33' pool---so not sure what's going on but feel like I stretched it out even though it was only overlapped a little (1 inch) over the pool wall!
I'm so time, I'll pay someone to do this! It can be too time consuming and frustrating and it's not easy work in the first place!
Thank you for any help.
Still hot and pooless in Carolina!
Hi Jessica.
It is very common to get all the way around the pool and have too much liner left over. You did nothing wrong, it just means you need to do it over. It's common to have to much liner and it is common to not have enough. In colder weather not having enough is likely because the liner does not want to stretch. In warmer weather it stretches to easy and you wind up with too much.
With an empty pool it's best to take it all out and start over. With water in the pool you are best using the help of several people and having them hold maybe twenty feet or so of liner in front of the person putting the liner back into the groove.
The liner needs to be bunched up, meaning you push back on the liner as you are installing it into the receiver. It is natural to pull on the liner and stretch it, especially when it is hot. You need to bunch it up.
Sometimes it takes a few tries to get it right, but it is possible. The liner has plenty of give, in either direction, you just have to work it.
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