Tree Roots under Pool

by Pamala
(Shawnee Oklahoma)

The ground has a slope, therefore I am digging one side down approx 2 ft. to make the ground level. In the process of digging, tree roots are everywhere!

Do I need to kill the tree roots or is there something I can apply to the roots to stop them from growing? And if I do will it kill the tree? It is a black jack oak, I think. I am afraid they will grow through the liner.

Hi Pamala. Tree roots can be a problem for above ground pools. I do not know of any way to kill the roots but not the tree. It is rare, however, for tree roots to grow through the liner. They usually grow horizontally, as opposed to grass, that grows straight up. Tree roots will get under the pool and over the years they get big and can be felt under the liner.

My usual way of dealing with them is to dig out as many as possible and lay several sheets of plastic down before the sand. This keeps them out for many years. By the time it is liner changing time you may need to dig them out again and redo the pool base.

Another idea might be to dig a trench around the pool and fill it with concrete. A nursery might have other options also. Your local pool store might even have useful suggestions.

trees next to pool

Comments for Tree Roots under Pool

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Jul 17, 2013
Armor Shield
by: Babe

Has anyone tried Armor shield to cover the roots?

May 25, 2018
tree roots
by: Anonymous

How about copper sulfate to kill roots?

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