Underwater speakers are still kind of a novel idea. You could be the first on your block to own one.
Underwater speakers are just one way of bringing your pool into the modern era. Technology has brought us many new outdoor, around the pool, type items. Flat screen TVs are made to go outdoors so you can watch your favorite game from in the pool.
Underwater photography is possible with the many new kinds of cameras designed for pools. It was not that long ago I owned a special, expensive, bag that protected my 35MM equipment underwater. Now I just have an underwater camera.
Radios, clocks, watches and cell phones, they are all coming out with pool friendly versions.
Another form of electronics taking over swimming pools across the country are remote control things. You name it, boats, jet skies, fish and just about anything else can be remotely operated making the pool a completely different form of entertainment than the original purpose.
Pool and deck lighting are also changing and developing at lightning speeds. With the developments in solar lighting the pool and surrounding area can now automatically come to life every evening, at very little cost to you.
Enjoy your pool in the modern age, your kids will think you are really cool.
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