Used Asahi Pool

by Wendell

Asahi Pool Upright and Top Rail

Asahi Pool Upright and Top Rail

I bought a 27'above ground pool. Another do-it-yourself project. I need bottom or foot plates and a couple of sections of bottom ring might also be wise. The seller had no paperwork and could not remember the brand. I am sending pictures in hopes that you might identify the manufacturer and suggest what would work for replacements.

Thanks for any information that you can provide.


Hi Wendell

You have an Asahi pool. This pool is manufactured in Japan. It is sold by many pool stores around the country, some of which may have leftover parts. I would start by contacting as many stores as possible within driving distance and see if any of them deal in Asahi pools.

There is a website that says they sell Asahi parts, but proceed with caution as I have heard some complaints about them. Read the following pages before ordering the parts online.

Parts For Above Ground Pools

After checking the site mentioned above I see it is no longer online. Disregard any mention of if I have not deleted the link yet. Last summer several readers posted about ordering parts from them and not getting delivery.

The other method mentioned in the parts page linked above is to find a store, anywhere, with a warehouse full of Asahi pool parts and have them shipped to you.

Dealers that have been selling the brand for enough years will have tons of parts from open boxes. Dealers order their pools once, maybe twice, a year. If a customer is missing a part, it's much easier to open another pool box and replace it immediately than it is to order a replacement part from Japan. This leaves longtime dealers with a surplus of open boxes.

I'm sure some of these dealers are better organized than the one I worked for in the Phoenix area. After twenty some years of selling these pools they decided to clean their storage area. For a couple of hundred dollars I bought enough parts to build about twenty five pools. Those are all long gone now, and so are the odd parts.

Good luck in finding the parts.

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